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Kim Taehyung and Do Jihan are back on the older's car. The pure blood alpha hates the fact that they haven't even eaten their dinner yet but what matters to him most is Taehyung's well being. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Jihan asked as he take the younger's hand beside him. In normal scenario, Taehyung would normally flinch or pull back his hand immediately but at that moment he let the older hold his hand because he feels like he's breaking into pieces upon seeing his ex husband again.

"Would it be obvious if I'll tell you that I'm fine?" Taehyung replied with a small nervous smile that made the pure blood shake his head. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jihan asked because he knows that what happened in the restaurant isn't something he can just shrug off when he saw how shaken Taehyung is. He also knows Jeon Jungkook as an assemblyman and seeing the other pure blood lose his shit in front of them a while ago tells him that there's something bigger between the two. 

Taehyung swallowed the invisible lump in his throat before he turned to his side to face Jihan. He knows that his coincidental meeting with Jungkook that evening would not end there anymore. Whether he likes it or not, he would be meeting people in his past sooner or later and he has decided that he doesn't want to drag Jihan to the drama of his past anymore. 

"You don't have to tell me now if you don't feel like telling me Taehyung. I just want you to know that you are not alone anymore and that I am here for you whenever you need me. I am telling you this not because of Hoseok hyung anymore but because you're dear to me. I don't care about what happened in your past but please know that I won't let anyone hurt you again." Jihan uttered while holding the Omega's hand. 

He knows that he's one step closer to confessing his budding feelings for the younger male omega but he doesn't want to push Taehyung away so he is trying his best to hold back. He has seen how beautiful Taehyung is inside and out during the past months that they have been together in his penthouse and he would be a hypocrite if he would say that he hasn't fallen for the most beautiful omega he has laid his eyes upon. The moment he accepted to himself that he likes Taehyung more than he is supposed to be, he promised himself to take care of him without expecting anything in return. 

Taehyung suddenly feels the shift in Jihan's emotion the moment the older said the last part of his sentence. They've been so close in the past weeks and he would be lying to himself if he would say that he doesn't notice how the pure blood alpha looks at him. He knows that Jihan is really kind but the pure blood alpha has a soft spot for him and he doesn't wanna take advantage of that. 

"Hyung...that's Jeon Jungkook."

"I know Taehyung, they're on the opposition side of dad's party. I know him because--"

"He's the alpha father of my daughter. He was my husband, my mate." Taehyung said in a clear but very low voice as if he's so scared that others might hear him. 

Jihan doesn't know why he suddenly feels more relieve than stressed out knowing that he was right for his first assumption regarding Jeon Jungkook's relationship with Taehyung. The older alpha tightened his hold on Taehyung's hand. Maybe he was relieve knowing that Taehyung chose to open up to him again and that just made him want to protect him more. 

"I won't let him hurt you ever again." Jihan said and he knows that he would put his life on the line to keep that promise this time. It's insane, his parents kept introducing him to alphas and omegas for years hoping that he would finally fall for someone else but he never did. Now that he's looking at Taehyung's eyes, he knows that he wasn't able to fall for anyone before because he's meant to fall for the male omega beside him. 

Taehyung smiled bitterly at the pure blood as he leans his head on Jihan's shoulder. He's just really so thankful to have this man beside him at that moment because to be honest, he has been thinking of scenarios when he would meet Jungkook again and this one isn't one of them. 

"You're so good to me. I don't deserve you hyungie." Taehyung said after a few minutes of silence between them. 

"Hmmmn, I beg to disagree Kim PDnim. You deserve all the goodness in the world Tae. I don't know what happened to you with Jeon, but I am sure the universe cut all your ties with him because it knows that you deserve better. I don't understand why you need to hide but if ever you'll decide to come out in the open, Taehyung I want to be there with you. I may not be as powerful as my dad in this country but I promise to protect you." Jihan said again and this time, he brought the hand of the younger to his lips and leave a very light peck on the back of it. 

Taehyung isn't dumb not to know that Jihan just crossed the line between them that night. He doesn't want to assume that the alpha wants him more than a friend since he didn't explicitly told him that he likes him but Taehyung still pulled his hand away from the pure blood. He doesn't want to give him false hope without the older knowing of his complete past. He isn't closing the possibility of opening up his heart to Jihan since he has already decided to move forward in his life but he doesn't want Jihan to walk in his chaotic life with blind eyes. So with still his shaky heart, Taehyung has finally decided to tell Jihan everything that happened to him and Jeon Jungkook from the very first day that they met until the day that he left Seoul when he learned that his daughter is gone. 

Jihan's heart broke a hundred times just listening to Taehyung's story. If he was still a little hesitant about wanting to court Taehyung just a while ago, this time his mind, heart and wolf all agreed that all he wants to do with his life is to make sure that Taehyung is happy and safe. He wants him and he will do everything in his power to have him. 

The male omega cried a lot while retelling his story to the pure blood alpha. The two are both quiet when he finally finished telling him everything. 

"I don't want you to be dragged in this shit hyung." 

"You don't have to drag me Tae, I'll gladly jump on it. Also, uhmmm can we find another restaurant first? I know you haven't eaten anything yet and you must have been starving. Knowing everything you've been through makes me so hungry, for real." Jihan tried to  lighten up the mood between them. 

Taehyung shifted on his seat to see the older's face and odd enough, he found himself smiling at the pure blood. 

"You're unbelievable hyung! But fine, let's go get some foodies!" Taehyung doesn't know how Jihan could easily lighten up his mood but at that moment, he's just so grateful to have him. 

Taehyung knows it would be a long way to go for him in order to finally come out of his hiding but knowing that there would be someone who still wants him despite all the fucked up past he has is more than enough for him to take another step for wanting to have a happier life. 

Maybe, it's not too late for him and for his dream after all. 

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