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"How did you even find me here?" Taehyung asked as he accepted the handkerchief from the pure blood because he also wanna get rid of his tears he unconsciously shed just a while ago

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"How did you even find me here?" Taehyung asked as he accepted the handkerchief from the pure blood because he also wanna get rid of his tears he unconsciously shed just a while ago.

The older looks at him as if he didn't understand what he asked.

"Everyone is talking about the prettiest male omega they spotted tonight so I knew they were talking about you. If only they could see your ugly crying face, I'm sure they'll all think the opposite way."

Taehyung chuckles when he heard the pure bloods words towards him. This is what he likes about Jihan, he always knows what to tell him just to pacify the storm brewing inside him. He knows the alpha didn't mean to call him ugly because as far as he could remember, the last time he cried in front of the pure blood he still called him the prettiest!

"Now that I don't have tears in my eyes, do I still look ugly hyung?" Taehyung asked playfully as he looks up to meet Jihan's soulful eyes.

The pure blood alpha suddenly froze on his feet when he met the omega's eyes on him. He wasn't lying when he said that other wolves are talking about his date as the prettiest among the other guests that evening but looking at him now under the moonlight just makes him even more ethereal.

 He wasn't lying when he said that other wolves are talking about his date as the prettiest among the other guests that evening but looking at him now under the moonlight just makes him even more ethereal

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"You're  beautiful." Jihan absentmindedly replied that immediately made the male omega blushed again. He was used to hearing praises like that from his ex husband because Jungkook never failed to remind him how beautiful he is. Taehyung's head starts to drift to his memory lane until Jihan fake coughs in front him because the older also feels awkward after how he complimented the male omega in a very straightforward manner. 

"Hyung, thank you." Taehyung starts with his emotional and unending thanks giving again and Jihan isn't having it.

"Stop right there! We're not doing this here again Tae. Besides, dad and mom are already inside, they're looking for you." Jihan grins knowing that Taehyung loves his parents as much as they love them. 

"Auntie Soomin is here too? I thought she's still in Paris?" Taehyung asked, momentarily forgets all the burdens inside him because he truly likes the Prime Minister and the Second Lady. 

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