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Jeon Junseo is beyond livid when he confirmed that Do Jihan will indeed be given a seat in his own father's party list. It's the same spot he's trying to target for years not for himself but for his son Jungkook. He knows he's too old for the position and aside from that, the people of Korea loves his son more than himself ao he knows they'll have a bigger chance for the position in hia mind if he'll use Jungkook as his bait. And now that he's finally got rid of all the blocks that stopped him from getting in, the Prime Minister suddenly announced that his heir Do Jihan will finally enter politics too. Well, it isn't official yet but then, Junseo already got the news from an insider that's why he's now very angry because of the sudden situation.

He didn't work for years to get that seat only to be stolen from him too. If he managed to find his way in decades ago, the old Jeon is pretty sure that he could make a way again this time too.

The alpha called his secretary but instead of his secretary, Park Bogum suddenly appeared in his office.

"Istg if you're here for another bad news just leave! I'm not in a mood to listen to your failure kid." Junseo's voice booms inside his office.

At first, Bogum got nervous but then he's already get used to the alpha's nasty remarks so he just invited himself inside the office.

"We need to work faster now sir. Taehyung and Jungkook will soon know about what you did 3 years ago. If you won't help me get Jungkook to marry me, then I will have no choice than to beg Taehyung to forgive me....that will also mean I will have to tell him the truth." Bogum said with a straight face.

He's been very obedient to the older Jeon for years. He has always been there for his son too and now that Taehyung is back, he has no plan pf giving up the position in Jungkook's life anymore. But this time, Bogum wants a permanent space so he devices a plan to get Jungkook already.

Jeon Junseo laughs at Bogum's threat. He even almost tear up because of his laughter before he speaks again.

"Are you threatening me?" the older alpha asked when he's finally done laughing, this time his eyes turned crimson that almost made Bogum kneel in submission immediately. But the younger alpha is determined to get what he wants too. Besides, he already gotten himself an ally so he wouldn't want to waste the opportunity! He will get Jungkook's by hook or by crook and no one can stop him from doing that, not even Jeon Junseo.

"I'm not threatening you sir. I'm just asking you nicely to help me to make sure Jungkook will marry me." Bogum replied, making sure Junseo won't see his trembling hands.

With a blink of an eye, Junseo is already standing in front of the startled Bogum. The older man's hand gripping his neck tightly and for a second, Bogum thought he's going to dis right at that moment.

"No one can tell me what I should and I shouldn't do. And no one threatens me kid, not even a fxcking death may it be fake or real could tell me what I want to do. Do you really think I would listen to you just because I've saved Jungkook from that omega slut 3 years ago? You're kidding, because I'm gonna do it all over again if I have to! Im gonna get rid everyone who stops me from making my son the most powerful man in the country!" Junseo gritted his teeth while gripping Bogum's neck.

The younger of the two tried to free himself from Junseo's grip because he really can't breathe anymore but to no avail, the older Jeon just lifted him from the floor too before he slams him on the bulletproof glass in his office.

"Know your place boy! And don't ever show up here again or else, I'm gonna make sure you won't see another day." Junseo threatened Bogum this time.

Bogum is still holding his now red neck from Junseo's grip when he started to laugh.

The older Jeon gave him a confused look so the younger alpha fished out his phone from his pocket to show that he just recorded everything that they had talk about including the older man's threat to him.

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