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It's lunch time when Jungkook and Yoongi left their office to search for KIM TAEHYUNG. It's been 6 hours since they started to follow the trace of the male omega who vanished 3 years ago but it's almost 7PM in the evening already but they haven't found him yet.

"Jungkook you have to go home, Luna might be waiting for you already." Yoongi tried to convince the younger alpha again hoping that this time, the disappointed assemblyman would finally give up. 

Jungkook took a sip of his coffee before he turned to look at his cousin. 

"How the fuck is he so good at hiding hyung? He was there. You saw the CCTV footage too. He really came back and yet he is nowhere to be found again." the pure blood alpha is trying so hard not to pull his hair in front of his cousin because that's just so unbecoming. 

"Maybe we're just late Guk. I'm sure we'll find him again besides, what matters is when know that he's back. I'm sure he would want to see Luna too so he would show himself to you unless...your father is right." Yoongi trailed off because he knows how sensitive the topic is. 

Jungkook clenched his jaw upon hearing the possibility of Taehyung leaving them because of the reason his own father told him 3 years ago when he showed him the divorce paper Taehyung left. 

"Then if that's the case he should've not come back hyung because I would never let him hurt my daughter. I would never let him near her." Jungkook gritted his teeth. He hates how conflicting everything is in his life right now. 

Yoongi shakes his head off. 

"Thought you're gonna remarry today? I guess that was your wolf talking huh?  After all those years, your mark...it hasn't vanished yet Guk." Yoongi said while pointing at his mating mark on his neck that is now expose because he has loosen his tie already. 

Jungkook unconsciously lifted his hand to touch his mark. It is very uncommon for alpha to carry his mate's mark but since he really loved Taehyung back then, he let his omega mark him as well. Now he isn't sure if it is something he should be proud of because he knows their marriage has been divorced already. 

"I actually asked Jin hyung about this because I'm also confused." 

"And what did he say?" Yoongi asked because he's curious too. 

Everyone knows that there are only 2 reasons why a mating mark will fade or vanish.


2. Broken Bond

For Jungkook and Taehyung it should be the second for the obvious reason but then the mark on the alpha's neck didn't even fade at all. 

"He said to put a concealer on it since it would never fade or vanish as long as I live." Jungkook scoffed as he picks up his phone. 

Yoongi can't help but laugh the moment he heard the younger's word.

"Of course he would say that. Why did I even ask?!" Yoongi replied. 

Jungkook glared at the older who's still smiling at him. 

"I'm going home hyung, Bo texted me already. Luna doesn't want to eat again." 

"Go ahead Guk. I'll try some more before I head out to. Drive safely, I know you already sent your driver home again." Yoongi said before reaching out for his coffee.

"Thanks hyung and please call me if there's any news." Jungkook said before he finally left his office to go home. 


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