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Do Jihan had never imagined in his life that he'll see himself sitting in the middle of Jeon Jungkook's living room. He never dreamed to enter the Assemblyman's penthouse let alone Luna's bedroom but since Taehyung dragged him inside, he found himself witnessing the reunion of the father and daughter who were separated three years ago. 

Jihan's nose is filled with different scent. He already knows Taehyung isn't wearing any scent blocker that day but smelling the fruity scent of the male omega combined with Luna's floral one, it's a bit overwhelming for him. Being a pure blood who grew up under his alpha father's scent, Jihan realized that he doesn't really prefer the overly sweet scent from the male omega. But since the scene that's unfolding in front of him is really emotional and intimate, he decided to be quiet. When the older pure blood alpha is sure that there's no threat on Taehyung and on his daughter in the room, he silently walks out of the room and just decided to wait in the living room of the penthouse so he could also give them some privacy. 

The pure blood is silently scrolling through his phone when he noticed the younger poor blood alpha standing in front of him so he lifted his gaze to meet Jungkook's eyes. 



The two pure blood alphas stared at each other sa if they're both gauging each other's strength until Jungkook decided to sit on the couch opposite of the older. 

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with them upstairs? Are you afraid that I might steal some of your vases here?" Jihan asked when the younger remains quiet in front of him. 

Jungkook only raised his eyebrows, totally ignoring the older's question as he asks his own question too.

"How did you meet Taehyung?" Jungkook asked. He already made his own investigation about Do Jihan and even Yoongi helped him already but they never had a solid information on when and how did Taehyung and Jihan meet. Hell, they're even still clueless about the real relationship of the two aside from the fact that they've discovered that Taehyung is living in Jihan's penthouse. 

"I met him few months ago when he arrived from Wellington. One of my closest friends asked me for a favor to look after Tae." Jihan replied just so he could finally talk to the younger about what he wanted to talk about. 

"F-few months ago? Then why the fxck is he living with you?" Jungkook asked, his voice a little aggressive because he hates how Jihan calls Taehyung. It was his nickname for his mate when they were still together too.

"Did you hear what I've just said? I helped him when he arrived back in Seoul because apparently his ex husband is so powerful.  Unfortunately the said ex husband doesn't want him to be here again but it turned out that there's a really huge misunderstanding between them because Taehyung's ex husband seems like he doesn't want him to vanish, in fact he's all over him the moment he saw Taehyung again." JIhan said while staring at the younger pure blood. 

"He already got  a good job, why is he still staying with you? Are you--"

"If you're dying to know if we're together, no Jeon. We are not together yet but yes, I like Taehyung...so much." Jihan confessed when he saw the pure blood alpha's red eyes. 

Jungkook clenches his fist again. He hates the fact that he couldn't even intimidate JIhan with his scent nor his eyes because the guy is older than him and he's also a pure blood. He also hates the fact that he's the one who's there to help Taehyung when he came back to Seoul. He hates the idea that no matter how he despise the older pure blood, he knows deep inside him  that he's thankful of Jihan's existence not just because he helped Taehyung but because he knows the guy isn't the type of pure blood who takes advantage from other people. So no matter how he wants to rip the older's head off, he knows he won't do it because he doesn't really hate him. He envies him. He might never say it out loud but he's so jealous of how Jihan could easily say what he wanted to say. 

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