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Dear Loves,

Im so sorry for the super delay update. I was so busy in the past 2 days. Anyway, I just want to inform everyone that I have decided to write 3 more chapters for this fic so this isn't the end yet. After this one, 2 more will be uploaded soon.

I'm not sure if you'll like this chapter because it's pretty boring but this is needed for the story to move on. So if you are not patience enough to know the truth about all the family dramas, you can skip this chapter.

To those who are willing to know the past, this one is for you.

See you on the next chapter, later. Iloveyou and thank you so much for the 58K views.


Min Yoongi knows the world is full of mystery and hidden treasures that needs to be discovered. He knows there are precious gems all around them that just needed to be polished so that we could see the real sparkle of it but never in his life that he thought he would've stumble upon two of the most precious gems of the two most powerful man in South Korea. He couldn't believe that he's been with the long lost youngest son of the Prime Minister and the only heir of Kims whom they all thought has died 2 decades ago.

"Are you telling me that Jungkook and Taehyung were both lost only to find each other again? I mean, how is that not a huge bullshits?? How could you not recognize your son? and why would you not claim Taehyung if you've already verified that he's your nephew?" Yoongi snapped at the two because he really couldn't believe of the truth he just discovered now.

"What is this chaos and who----Yoongi?" Hoseok blurted out the moment he recognized his friend. One of the staffs of the president informed sent him a message that they spotted the Prime Minister entering the Blue HOuse with someone. He already learned about what happened to Do Jihan so he came as quickly as he can to ask the Prime Minister about his friend. He's about to wait outside the office of the president but since the door isn't close properly, Hoseok managed to hear someone yelling inside.

At first he got worried for his uncle's life because he thought they were under attack but then he heard Taehyung and Jungkook's name so he carefully leans on the door to listen. The voice he heard is so familiar but since he couldn't see the face of the owner he just decided to barge in before the guards intervene because no one is allowed to raise their voice towards the President. Clearly, Min Yoongi forgot that rule already because of the truth he has learned that morning.

"Seok! What the hell are you...wait, you're the nephew he's talking about?" Yoongi asked while pointing at the president who's wearing a smug face while watching the younger ones.

"Yoongi hyung, did you just disrespect the president like that? And I'm sorry I forgot to mention you about uncle Jongin. I just thought it wasn't necessary." Hoseok said with a timid smile.

"Not necessary? WTF?! Wait.. so you know Taehyung is his nephew and your cousin when you met him in New Zealand? Is that why you---"

"I was following him since Jungkook claimed and mated him. We were just waiting for the final result of the DNA we took from the kid who died in the fire to verify everything. Then when we were ready to take him back and introduce him as my cousin, he was already on the run so I we had no choice but to follow him in New Zealand. I didn't know how I'll be able to help him when I heard his story, I just knew I had to protect him from the Jeons so instead of telling him my identity, I have introduced myself as a friend. I just hope he won't get mad at me when I tell him the truth already." Hoseok said with a little hesitation in his eyes.

Both Yoongi and Sunghoo are speechless. They both didn't know what to say anymore because everything about Taehyung's real identity is now out in the open. They also both understand why the family of Kims decided to keep him a secret because they haven't really caught who the mastermind of the crime yet.

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