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It was finally night. It was time for me to break all connections with them. I still had my key so I unlocked the door and got in. Everyone was sleeping, thank god. I managed to make it into my room. I grabbed most of my clothes. I left a few memories like clothes and pictures. I grabbed my laptop and shoes. I grabbed one of Thomas's shirts too. I can't live without a piece of him. I grabbed all of my stuff and left. I dropped Thomas's car at the house and grabbed my own. I left while in tears. I left a note in the kitchen. I made it back to my place and unpacked. It was going to be hard without them.

Kouvr's pov: 

I woke up at around 3 A.M. cause I heard the front door close. I fell back asleep because I thought it was paper or someone coming home drunk. 

I woke up and went to the kitchen. I saw a note.

'I took all of my stuff and left a few things for memories. I love you all so much but for your own safety, this is what I have to do. Sorry. Love is a hard thing to find. I found it with Thomas but things turned out like this. I will be isolated for the rest of my life. Don't try looking for me. Signed Maddison VonColeaz'

Reading that broke my heart. I ran to Her and Thomas's room. Most of her stuff was gone. I held a dress she left behind in my arms tightly. Alex walked in and stared at me. I explained everything.

Thomas's pov: Kouvr and Alex came over to the hospital to get me for my discharge. I noticed they were sad. Alex explained what she had done.

"SO SHE JUST LEFT!?" I screamed.

"Thomas calm down, you're still numb," Kouvr said. I was going to track her down.

Maddison's pov: 

My life became dark. I was depressed. It was my fault Thomas almost died. I kept thinking about whether I had made the right choice or not. I cut up some potatoes. I cut my finger by mistake. I remember what happened a couple of weeks ago.

Authors note; memories are in this font

I was cutting up some lettuce for salad and I had cut my finger by mistake. Thomas came rushing over the second he saw blood. He grabbed my hand and put it under cold water. He cared so much for me.

Some tears fell down my face. I washed my hand and continued cutting. Then I heard a doorbell ring. It must have been the painting I ordered. I opened the door and it was Thomas. Just Thomas. He pushed me aside and came in. He pinned me against the wall and locked the door. He stared right into my eyes. He kissed me right after. I didn't kiss back. I felt too guilty. He pulled away and stared at me with a kind of angry and sad face.

"Why?" he said softly.

"W-w-hat?" I said in a puffy voice. I couldn't breathe at this moment. I didn't want him to move that much. He hadn't healed yet. 

"You know. Why did you leave?" He asked while still having me pinned to the wall.

"Thomas, I felt too guilty," I said as I cupped his face with my hands. "You almost died because of me. I can't stay with a man I feel guilty around. Chase stabbed you because of me Thomas. I can't." I said in a puffy voice again. I still couldn't breathe. He noticed my breathing. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Why are you so worried? You look like you can't breathe right now." He said while staring into my eyes. He stared at me for an answer.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now