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Last time: There was a knife in his chest. I knew it. It was Chase.


I screamed at the top of my lungs. 

"THOMAS!" I screamed. My heart sank as soon as I saw him. I heard someone rushing over. It was Alex, Kouvr, and Charli. They saw him and started screaming. Alex started calling the ambulance. I bursted into tears. Everyone heard me screaming and rushed over. The ambulance arrived soon and none of us were allowed to go with him except Alex. After they left, I was still having a panic attack. The girls tried comforting me. I couldn't breathe. I cared about him more than my entire life. And I let this happen. Slowly I started to calm down. But I was still panicking.

Nick's Pov:

 I heard Maddison screaming. I thought it was just a prank. Then I heard her scream again but this time with tears. I dropped my fork and ran over to her. I saw Thomas laying there with a knife in his chest. I saw Alex calling 911. I tried to comfort her and help her calm down. The ambulance came and took Thomas and Alex went with them because Maddison was still freaking out. I went over to their room with Ryland and Tony. I saw the blood area and wondered who did this. Then I remembered chase. he would do this. Just to get Maddison. I told Ryland and Tony everything.

'So, chase did this?" Ryland asked.

"Yup," I answered. Then we heard Maddison's voice again. She was on the phone with the hospital.

Maddison's pov:

 I get a call from the hospital saying that Thomas is ok. Thank god. But they said only I can come to visit him. I am the only person he wants to meet. I understood and hung up. I told the entire house and they were all happy he was ok. I got up and got in Thomas's car and drove to the hospital. I rushed into his room. Alex had already left. I stared at Thomas sleeping. Thank god he was ok. I gave him a kiss on the head. He woke up.

"Oh, I-I-I'm sorry baby. Go back to sleep" I said as I turned around. He grabbed my wrist. He pulled me close to him. I stared in his eyes as he stared into mine. I kissed him. Something came over me just to do it. He kissed back. Then someone knocked on the door. I pulled away and backed up. A nurse came in. I thought about what Chase meant. Thomas had to pay for my deed. I felt so bad. I stared at Thomas's wound. It was my fault. I put my purse on the window. The nurse left. Thomas was still numb and couldn't talk.

"I am sorry, Its all my fault this happened. The other day when you went to go get this necklace, Chase came up to me. I pushed him by mistake and he said that you would pay for that. This is what he meant. Tommy, I feel so bad. I can never forgive myself. I-I-I can't be in your life anymore. I would feel too guilty. I am sorry. hope you get better soon. And take the necklace back. I don't deserve it." I said as I put the necklace down on the counter. I texted charli everything. I told her I was leaving their lives because of my stupid choices. I didn't want to hurt any of them. I left the hospital in tears. Imagine how Thomas must have felt after hearing that.

I drove off into the city while crying and parked at a gas station far away from the house and hospital.

Charli's pov: 

We were all worried about Thomas and Maddison. Then I got a text from her. I read it and bursted into tears. Ondreaz took my phone and ready it out loud.

"I am sorry, Its all my fault this happened. The other day, Chase came up to me. I pushed him by mistake and he said that Thomas would pay for that. This is what he meant. Charles, I feel so bad. I can never forgive myself. I-I-I can't be in your life anymore. I would feel too guilty. I am sorry. I don't want to hurt anyone else." Ondreaz read. "Signed Mad mad."

We all were devastated. We drove to the hospital and made it to Thomas's room. It looked like he had been crying. I saw Maddison's necklace on the counter. I went up and hugged Thomas. He needed more than I did.

Maddison's pov: I managed to get an apartment downtown. It was small but it fit my type. I didn't bring any clothes with me. I would have to break in at night. This is going to be the worst day of my life.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now