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Maddison's pov:

I woke up and saw Thomas leaving my hospital room. I stopped him and pulled him back. I smiled at him softly as he sat down again and kissed my hand. I sat up and the rest of the gang entered the room. They saw me awake and Charli ran over to me hugged me tightly. I rubbed her back since I couldn't hug her back. She pulled back and wiped away her tears.

"She can't talk, she's numb," Thomas said referring to me. The house came into my room and some sat down while others just stood around. Thomas was still sitting next to me. I grabbed the glass of water next to my bed while they all started talking. I took a sip and then Charli grabbed the glass and put it down.

"Sorry, this is all my fault, I should have never come up with that plan thing. Darianka's just a bitch." She said to me. The entire group heard and laughed a little. Charli laughed too and I couldn't but I smiled and they took the hint.

It was about three hours later. The gang had left and I was sitting on my bed admiring the sunset from my window. Then the nurse walked in.

"It's getting late, might wanna fall asleep." She said through the doorway. I nodded and she left. I slowly fell asleep with my hand on my stomach.

The next morning

I woke up to my hand being kissed. I opened my eyes to see Thomas. He looked up and me and smiled softly. We started talking and he gave me my breakfast. I smiled as he fed me some pancakes kouvr made. We talked for hours and then he had to leave. Bryant was going to have a photoshoot with him. I told him I would look at the pictures on Instagram.

After he left, I sat on my phone for a little while and then Larray and Brady came to see me. They sat down and they had brought me coffee. We talked for a little.

"Sis, no. First, comes sex, then comes loves, then comes marriage, and then comes a baby cause you didn't use a condom sista." Larry said as we were talking. I and Brady I both laughed at his comments. We talked more and then they left at around 8 P.M. I stared at my phone a little longer and then my favourite nurse walked in. She told me that I would be able to leave tomorrow. I got excited and went to sleep after she left.

The next morning

I woke up early around 7 A.M. No one was in my room yet so I chilled on my phone for a little. After about an hour, Charli walked in with some Dunkin. She said that she was here to pick me up because Thomas was busy with Bryant. I understood because she was just trying to maintain a career. I and Charles left the hospital and went home. I entered the house and was blown with confetti canons.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed after being hit with coloured small pieces of paper. Everyone started laughing. I threw my purse at Tomas who was holding a Canon. They all laughed more as he caught the purse. About an hour later, they told me to come to the pool cause we were gonna go swimming. I changed into this.

It covered my stitches so I was good

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It covered my stitches so I was good. I went up to the pool and saw Charli and dixie fighting.

"I love her more!" Charli screamed.

"Of course you do. I am your real sister but you love her more. Everyone ships me and Addi together, not you and Addison." Dixie screamed. They were fighting over Addison. I sat on the chair and suntanned as they continued. Thomas sat next to me and rubbed my stomach a little. I pushed his hands off. Then he did it again. But this time it was Nikita.

"You good sis?" she asked. I nodded and I continued suntanning. I had my eyes closed and felt the sun on me. All of a sudden, someone picked me up and threw me in the pool. I started to sink but managed to pull myself up. I saw Nick and Ryland laughing.

"Bitches," I screamed getting out of the pool. I chased them around the house. I managed to catch them and sprinkled my wet hair all over them. Ryland started hissing like a cat and the gang started laughing. I slapped Nick and pushed them both into the pool. Thomas started recording for his vlog. Nick pulled me into the pool with him again. I could hear everyone laughing. I grabbed him by his hair and dragged him across the pool. I threw him out of the water and quickly got out. I sat on top of him and dumped water on his face.

"FUCKING SINGLE ASS BITCH!" I screamed getting off of him.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now