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Thomas held my wrists one last time and then let go. He apologized for making me bleed but I really didn't care. I felt pain but it was fine. He got up and went into the bathroom as I blocked the 'Morgan' person. I sighed and text Camila that things were ok between me and Thomas. She replied with a smiley and I put my phone down. Thomas came back into the room and gave me his hoodie.

"Why?" I asked grabbing the hoodie from him.

"You look cold. I don't want my girlfriend being an ice sculpture." He said chuckling. I slid the baggy hoodie over my small body as Thomas grabbed my hand we left the room. It was 12 P.M. We went over to the living room where everyone was discussing Tiktok trends. I sat next to Thomas as he slid his hand behind my back. He lifted the hoodie up and little bit and slid his hand under so that he was touching my bare back. I felt his warm hand rub against my back as it gave me a tingly feeling on the inside. We started watching a movie with the gang as he continued rubbing my back. He slowly made his way up to my bra buckle. He didn't unbuckle it but instead he slid his hand down my back and wrapped it around my stomach. He rubbed my belly button make me giggle softly. Only he could hear it and he smiled. 

The lights were dimmed so no one could see us. I started focusing on the movie and it got interesting. After a while, Thomas moved his hand out and got up. I grabbed his wrist and then saw Alex who was also leaving. I quickly let go and he left with Alex. I rubbed my stomach from the outside of my hoodie and little and then continued the movie while Charli gave me popcorn. Thomas came back with a few other snacks and sat down next to me again. I gave him some popcorn and he tried to bite my finger as a joke. I smiled at him and focused on the movie again. He put his arm around me on top of my shoulders. I pushed it off and pushed it around my waist. He chuckled in my ear softly. After the movie finished, Thomas had to film for his vlog. I went up to Charli and Chase's room with the girls.

"Is everything fine between you guys now?" Dixie whispered into my ear. I nodded and she smiled. We continued helping Charli dye her hair. I thought about Thomas the entire time. Then Kouvr and Addison asked for something to drink. I went to grab them some drinks and I passed by the boys working out. Thomas saw me as he was bench pressing. He winked and me as I blushed and continued walking to the kitchen. I grabbed some drinks for the girls as I saw Jack and Sienna flirting on the sofa. I rolled my eyes at them and went back to Charli's room. On my way there, I passed by the gym again and saw Thomas shirtless and doing pull ups. I smiled at him and he smirked at me back. He winked as I blushed again. I quickly walked by and went back to Charli's room. I gave the drinks to the girls as Charli's hair dried.

After a while, we all finished Charli's hair and went back to our own rooms. The boys had finished working out and were showering. I could hear Thomas in the bathroom with the shower on. I sat on the bed and scrolled through TikTok. Thomas walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and a towel on his shoulder. I looked up from my phone as he locked the doors. He came over to my and reached out one of his hand just to pass by my face and to grab his hair brush next to me. He chuckled while moving back with his brush. He went into the closet as I rolled my eyes at him. He came out holding his shirt and some jeans. He walked over to the bathroom and got ready as I continued to scroll through TikTok. He came out fully clothed and sprayed perfume on himself to get the sweat smell off.

"I am going to take them off later anyway so why wear clothes?" I asked smirking. He chucked and cane over to me. He picked me and carried me out of the room. He carried me over to the kitchen while staring into my eyes. He finally put me down on a stool next to the kitchen counter. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then went over to Micheal. I stared at him until I looked at the time. It was about time for dinner so I began making Pizza. After about 10 minutes, Thomas came into the kitchen and hugged me from behind.

"Later tonight, I am going to rip all these unnecessary clothes on you off and fuck you until you can't walk," He whispered into my ear. It sent a small shiver down my spine. "Be scared baby," he whispered again sending another shiver. He chuckled softly and let go of my waist. I continued making pizza thinking about what he meant. He kept winking at me while I cooked. I finished the food and everyone started eating. I sat next Thomas and felt his hand high up on my thigh. He started rubbing my area from under the hoodie. I pushed his hand off and gave it a small kiss as I continued eating. He put his hand back just lower and closer to my knee. He rubbed the side of my thigh with his thumb. I knew I was going to get fucked tonight. After we were done eating, I started washing the dishes until someone pulled up outside.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now