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After I got back, I sat with Thomas and watched a movie. We were gonna go get everybody from the airport at 12 A.M. I laid on his shoulder and ate my chocolate covered strawberries with him. It was already 11:30. Thomas and I went to go get the gang. We took two cars. All the girls in one, all the guys in the other. I let Charli sit in the front so she could play good music. I told everyone what happened while they were gone. I noticed sunburn on them all. Burnt red potatoes. That's what they were.

After we got home, I noticed I had gotten 100M on TikTok because of my WAP. I started screaming like crazy. It was the best moment of my life. Thomas walked in and asked what was wrong, then I showed him my phone.

"That's an awesome baby!" He screamed picking me up. After I had told everybody in the house, they all went to sleep after their flight. I was sitting in my room with Thomas. I slowly fell asleep on his chest. He put his arms around me, kissed my neck, and went to sleep.

Charli's pov:

It was about 2 A.M. I snuck into Thomas and Maddi's room. I took a picture of them sleeping. It was the cutest thing ever. I posted it on Instagram and got a lot of comments from sweet people.

 I posted it on Instagram and got a lot of comments from sweet people

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Caption: Cutest couple ever! Love you both to death!

addisonrae: AAWWWWW

nickaustin: maddi looks so adorable on his chest!!

rosannapansino: aww my baby!!!

Tap to load more comments

I slowly went back to my room and fell asleep. 

Maddison's pov:

I saw the picture of me and Thomas on Instagram. I looked terrible. Thomas was still sleeping. I brushed his hair out of his face. I slowly placed a small kissed on the cheek. His eyes sprung open. He grabbed my hand and pushed my lips against his, not in a hard way though. 

I broke the kiss and got out of his grip. I got up and rushed to the bathroom. I quickly showered and tied my hair into a pony-tail. I changed into some cute sweat-pants and an oversized t-shirt. I ran out of my room and went into the kitchen. I ate my breakfast and went up to my room. I and James Charles were gonna go to the mall later so I got ready. I changed into this.

I got up and left for the mall with James

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I got up and left for the mall with James. I shopped with him for about an hour or two.

Alex's pov: 

After Maddison left, I snuck into her room while The Lopez brothers distracted Thomas. We were going to prank them by covering their room with Thomas's ex's pictures. It was going to be hilarious. We finished covering and Maddison came home. We hid in their room while they both came in.

Maddison's pov: 

I walked into my room. and saw pictures of Kayla everywhere.

"Oh my god," Thomas said walking in behind me. I saw Alex and Threw my shopping bags at him.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS YOU BITCH!" I screamed going up to him. Thomas grabbed my wrist while I was running. He pulled me back and went over to Alex himself. Kouvr and everyone rushed into the room when I screamed. Addison started laughing from the top of her lungs. I slapped her, not that hard but just enough that it shut her up. Everyone stared at me as Alex turned off his camera and Thomas dragged him into the closet. I grabbed Alex's camera and tried to delete the footage. I managed to delete me slapping Addison before the wright brothers grabbed me.

"Sorry, but this is content," Jack said grabbing one of my arms as James grabbed the other. I stared at both of them and soon Thomas walked out. 

"Oh this," He said as the Wright brothers let go of me. "This means war." I walked over to him and he put his arm around me.

"You're all so dead," I said slowly glaring at Alex. He shivered. It was the best moment of my life. After they left, I took down all the pictures. Thomas helped because we both hated her and her ugly fat lips. After we were done, It was dinner time. I decided to prank the gang by putting blue food dye in everybody's food. After they all ate their mouths turned blue. Thomas knew what I did so he didn't eat.

"PAY-BACK BITCHES!" I screamed. Slowly everyone's lips turned blue. Best moment ever. Thomas started laughing and pulled out his camera and filmed them.

"Is this permanent?" Charli asked.

"Yup," I screamed. They all stared at me with their mouths open. I smiled evilly. Slowly me and Thomas admitted it wasn't permanent. But their reactions were priceless. After dinner, I was cleaning the dishes when Charli came up to me and grabbed my waist. I knew it was her so I grabbed her and pulled her forward spraying her with water.

"Don't mess with me," I said stopping the water. I walked back to my room and WIped off all my makeup. Thomas walked in.

"I scored 2 pranks on the guys, What bout you, baby?" He asked putting his head on my shoulder.

"I got Charli," I said brushing his hair out of his face. Suddenly we heard screams from downstairs.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now