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I woke up next to Thomas. I stared at him remembering Chase's call. I couldn't let anything go to Thomas. He would stress out. He slowly started to wake up as I brushed his hair out of his face slowly. He softly pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back as it slowly turned int a makeout sesh. I broke the kiss and got up. I showered quickly and changed into a cute t-shirt with some shorts. I walked downstairs and made breakfast while slowly tieing my hair into a ponytail.

"Hey sista," Charli said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hi babes," I said continuing breakfast. I couldn't stop worrying about Chase's call. I thought of a plan. I couldn't run anyone's life anymore. I was going to call Chase and tell him to meet me somewhere. I was going to give myself to him.

After breakfast, Thomas went to film a bit with Ondreaz and Tony. Luckily he left his phone in our room. I called Chase's number.

"You made your decision?" He asked.

"He hasn't but I have. Meet me by the alleyway on saint John's street. If I give myself to you promise you won't ever bother anyone in the house ever again?" I said while trying to not panic.

"Promise boo, see you there," he said. I could feel that he was smiling. I deleted the phone call off the recent calls area. I wasn't going to take anything. I didnt tell anyone in the house. I wasn't even going to take my phone. I was just going to take the locket. I would have to hide it from chase. I put the locket in my hair as I did a bun. I had to hide it there somewhere where chase wouldn't look.

The time came for me to leave. I got up and went to the saint John's alley. I waited for chase and he finally came. He had a devilish smile on his face. We talked and he made sure there wasn't a wire on me. I got into his car with him and he drove to his house. It was a small mansion on the side of town. A perfect place to hide from cops. He had his hand high up on my thigh. I loved it down a little and he slapped me. I started to regret this but I remembered when he stabbed Thomas and threatened the house. This was for them. I was panicking a little. I knew he was going to hurt me. I touched the top of my bun showing that I was trying to fix it. I was actually trying to touch the locket. O finally managed to grab a small side of the middle piece. I prayed hoping nothing bad would happen to the house now that I had left.

Thomas's pov:

I finished filming and went back to my room. I started to scroll through tiktok. I got a notification saying two calls had been recorded on my phone. It was set to record when it didnt hear my voice. I listened to the conversation. Maddison did that for the entire house. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I got up and locked the door. I shoved my pillow into my face and let out a few tears. She's going to get hurt, badly. I remember the locket I had placed a tracker in it so I could find her easily. It would take me a day or two though. I prayed she wouldn't get hurt.

Maddison's pov:

It was about two days later. Chase hadn't even touched me since I got here. He was being really sweet for some reason. I was standing on his balcony as he said he was making coffee. I admired the sun rise while chase came out holding two cups of coffee. He gave me one and sat on the balcony with me. We had talked a little and he even gave me my own room so we wouldn't have to sleep together.

"Chase, I have a question, why are you being so nice to me." I asked sipping my coffee.

"Maddie, can I explain everything to you?" He asked back. I nodded very confused."I never really loved you. I just wanted Thomas to prove his love to you. While we were making the house, he had told me about you. He knew you from before. All he talked about was you. Maddison, maddison that, maddison this. All the time. I didnt know he was in love with you until he started face timing you. I reliased everything quickly. Charli wanted to come up with this plan for Thomas and you. But I changed it a little. I wanted something more intense so I put together this little act of me loving you. I forgot to tell charli so when I came kidnapped you, she thought it was real. After I had told her, she agreed to the plan. Also when I stabbed Thomas, I didnt really mean it. It wasn't supposed to hurt him at all and it didnt. I positioned it so that it would hospitalize him but not kill him. This might have been a little terrifying for you but trust me, I never intended to hurt you. Sorry if I did though. But it all worked, you and Thomas survived and are better than ever." He said sipping his coffee between words. I was shocked. Those sentences surprised me.

We continued to talk and he explained s little more. On how Thomas's ex had cheated so he wanted to make sure I was a the one for him. He explained how the plan had ended and charli was going to tell Thomas. He also said that he never went to jail. He just stayed away from us all. Everyone in the house knew plan except for me and Thomas. It all made sense now. Wow, our friends really cared about us.

We talked about this whole thing a little more until the front door crashed open. Thomas walked in holding a pistol. I sprung up from my seat. I went inside to the door and went over to thomas. He was angry. I could see it in his eyes. I walked close to him and as I got close he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Baby, are you ok? Why would you do this? You should have told us, we would have protected you." He said pulling away. He still had the gun in his hand. Chase walked in and closed the balcony door. Thomas let go of me and pointed the gun towards chase. My heart panicked.

"Babe! No! Wait!" I said grabbing the gun. I threw it across the room. Chase started at gun reliazing I had protected him. I stared at Thomas as he stared at me.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now