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I woke up in the middle of the night. I check my phone to see the time. It was 3 A.M. Thomas wasn't on the bed anymore. I looked around to see if he was in the bathroom. He wasn't in there or the closet. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. I looked around the whole house. He was no where in sight. Then I got a text from him.

My baby

Thomas: Hey baby, i left early in the morning ao you might not see me around you, i need to go deal with legal issues

Maddison: its fine, i just woke up and noticed you not around me. I hope everything gets better soon

Thomas: We can hope

Maddison: k love you cutie

Thomas: love you too!

I went back to our room and went to sleep again.

Thomas's POV:

I continued driving after texting Maddison. I stopped by Dunkin for a little bit of coffee and some energy. I parked and ate a donut I had bought. I felt bad about leaving Maddie alone but this was extremely important. I finished eating and continued driving to my parents house. I finally made it and Lizette answered the door.

"Big bro!" She screamed as she hugged me.

"Hey Lizette, what are you doing up so early?" I said hugging her back.

"Waiting for you, and hiding from mom and dad," she said shoving her head in my chest. I rubbed her back softly and put my head on hers.

Maddison's POV:

I woke up again around 9 A.M. I started making breakfast as Addison walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, where's Thomas? I need to ask him something." She asked yawning.

"He left early in the morning at around 3 A.M. for some important Family Issues. I get it. It's parents and he has to deal with it." I said as she sat down.

"Makes sense. Being famous while trying to keep a family happy is hard." She said while eating.

"Speaking of families, I should call my mom. Been a long time since we've talked." I said putting down a few other plates. Everyone slowly piled into the kitchen to start eating. I finished eating and called my family. My mom was designing a dress while dad was busy with work but he took time to talk to me. And my brother played among us with me through a screen. It was fun cause I killed him a bunch of times. He had to go after about an hour and I went up to the pool where everyone was.

"Hey boo, what took you so long?" Dixie asked.

"I was talking to my parents and brother," I answered sitting down next to her. We made a few tiktoks and had fun while Alex filmed for his vlog. I got in the pool with Charli and Kouvr as we filmed tiktoks before and I forgot the dance.


Caption: Maddie forgot it

petroutv: Maddie in the background

tonylopez: queen of tiktok forgets dance lmao

Maddison.voncoleaz: I look so bad. Delete it

Lilhuddy: my girl

addisonrae: u forgot me and Dixie

I splashed Charli a few times until my phone started ringing. I got out and went over to pick it up.

"Hello?" I said picking up.

"Hey babe," Thomas said on the other line. "Watcha doin?"

"We in the pool and Chilling." I said putting it on speaker. "Your on speaker, say hi to everyone!"

"Hey peeps, what's good?" He said talking to everyone. They started chatting and after a while he hung up. I left the pool and went to dry off in my room. I dried my hair after washing it and cleaned off my face. I did a face mask and tied my hair in a bun. I noticed it was already 5 P.M. I hurried up my hair and took off the mask after about 30 P.M. I left my room and went to the kitchen to make dinner. I started making Spaghetti and garlic bread. I finished the noodles and waited for the bread to bake. Dixie walked in and started chatting with me.

"So, you and Thomas have been parting a little miss Maddie." James said as he walked in.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now