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I sat on the floor still crying as I stared at the picture. I put the locket back around my neck. I felt my eyes getting droopy. I slowly started to fall asleep.

Dixie's POV:

Everyone had gone to their rooms s me and Noah sat in the kitchen. He clutched my hand as I stared at the counter top.

"Wanna go check up on Maddie? Make sure she's ok?" Noah asked. I nodded as I got up and went over to her room. I slowly opened the door to see her sitting on the floor sleeping. I signalled Noah as he picked her up and put her on the bed. I covered her with a blanket as I wiped away the tears on her cheeks. I clutched her hand as she slept. I finally went back to my own room and fell asleep in Noah's arms.

The Next Day

Maddison's POV:

I woke up on the bed. Someone must have came into my room and put me here. I got up and noticed I was still in jeans. I went over to the bathroom and noticed my eyes were puffy and red. I put some eye drops in to help them and changed into some comfy clothes. I was going to sit in my room and cry anyway. I went back into my room and heard someone on the phone outside.

"He's ok?" Alex screamed on the phone as I came into the kitchen. Kouvr had her hand on his shoulder as he talked.

"The hospital." Kouvr mouthed to me. I ran over to Alex as he talked.

"Oh, alright. Ok we'll send his girlfriend." He spoke. I was going to go see Thomas? Alex hung up and looked at me.

"Only one person is allowed. And because he had a panic attack, the doctor said it would be best to send someone he loves which is you Maddie." He said putting his phone on the counter.

"Will you guys manage your own breakfast?" I asked. They nodded and I went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and my purse. I left for the hospital. I got there and as directed to Thomas's room. I walked inside to see Thomas laying on the bed sleeping. I sat down on a chair next to the window and out my purse down. He had a patch over a small place on his forehead. I stared at him as he slept and then a doctor walked in.

"Miss VonColeaz?" He asked. I nodded ad he continued. "He's pefectly fine, just needs some rest. Don't try and stress him or the attack could happen again." The doctor left after handing me a few papers. I read over them carefully to make sure everything was fine. Turns out it was. We were worried for norhing. I sat back down and texted Charli.

Charles (Ma Bitch)

Me: Hey he's good

Charli: great we were worried sick

Me: so was i

Charli: yup, tell him alex says hi

Me: he's sleeping the doctor came in and gave me his reports.

Charli: oh, when he wakes up then

Me: i think hes about to. I gotta go charles

Charli: kk tell hkm we say hi

I saw Thomas's eyes spring open as I typed. He looked pver at me sitting on the couch as I didnt notice him.

"Baby?" He said softly. I put my phone down and got up to see him. I made it to his bed and grabbed his hand tightly.

"Yes?" I said softly.

"W-w-what happen-ned?" He stuttered. I clutched tighter.

"You had a panic attack and hit your head and fainted." I said. He opensd his eyes widee and looked straight at my puffy red eyes.

"Have you been crying?" He asked.

"I couldn't stop. I care too much about you. I-I-I-" He broke me off by pulling me closer. He reached close to my lips and gave me a soft kiss. I kissed back and pulled away after a minute or two.

"How's the house?" He asked.

"Good but traumatized after this whole thing." I said smiling and leaning away from him. We talked for a while and then I went home.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now