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I woke up and didn't see Thomas on the bed anymore. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got out of the shower and changed into some comfy clothes. I walked downstairs and everyone was eating Denny's. They had got some for me too so I grabbed mine and ate. Charli and me talked about the night before. I had covered up my hickeys and blended in some red eye shadow to make it look like I had gotten hurt. No one asked though. I finished eating and went over to Alex who was editing his blog with Kouvr.

"Hey dudes, do you know where Thomas is? I couldn't find him all morning." I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Thomas, he left early in the morning without saying anything. Pretty weird." Micheal said scrolling through TikTok on his phone. I got confused. Where would he go at this time? I got up and went back to my room. I grabbed my phone and called Thomas. He picked up thank fully.

"Hello?" He said on the other side of the line.

"Hey baby, where are you?" I asked sitting down on the bed. It sounded like he was mad or something had happened.

"Somewhere, I'll be home in a week. Don't come looking for me. I am perfectly fine." Thomas said even angrier. Why was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Thoughts raced though my mind.

"What do you mean somewhere? And a week? Baby just tell me where you are. I'm just worried about you." I said softly.

"I'M SOMEWHERE, OK? STOP WORRYING!" He screamed on the other side. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I hung up and dropped my phone. What did I do wrong and why was he so mad? I sat on my room for an hour just laying on the bed with tears falling down my face while having a pillow clutched against my chest. I continued to cry until Charli knocked at the door. I wiped away my tears as she walked in.

"Hey, so where's Thomas?" She asked sitting down on the bed.

"He had some urgent work in New York. He'll be back in a w-week." I stuttered . I thought about him screaming. Charli talked about her new Morphe line and I was barely listening. I was thinking about my phone call with Thomas. Why was he so mad? Did I do something wrong?

After an hour or two, Charli left with Chase for some Dunkin. I sat on bed scrolling through TikTok. I came across Thomas's page. He had posted a video of us from last night. It was of me getting ready and him dancing. I liked the video and scrolled away. He immediately liked one of my videos. I put my phone down I shoved my face into my pillow.

"Ughhh!" I screamed into the pillow. Addison walked in and I didnt notice.
She sat on my bed and rubbed my back.

"Its okay Mads, what's wrong?" She asked still rubbing my back.

"Can I tell you something? Just between us?" I said getting my face out of the pillow and looking at her. She nodded and I told her everything. His call and scream and why I felt bad.

"Calm down, he's probably not mad at you. He probably got mad and left. But he said he'll be back in a week, right? He's just dealing with work stuff maybe." She said trying to help. I sighed and nodded my head. I got up and went to the bathroom. I noticed bags under my eyes. Addison came over and gave me eye masks to help. I quickly put them on  and tied my hair into a messy bun. I put on a robe to make it look like I was showering. I left my room with Addison and saw everyone at the pool. I went over and sat with Ryland and Nick. I noticed it was already about 7 P.M. Most people were swimming. Addison kept making eye contact with me. I turned away and watched The Avengers Age Of Ultron with the gang.

"So where's Thomas?" Alex asked me.

"He's in New York for some urgent work." I said taking a sip of the soda Kouvr got me. I continued watching the movie and thought about the conversation me and Addison had. He was probably just under a lot of stress. I felt relived and we finished the movie. It was about 9 P.M. I went to make dinner and Charli helped me. We all started eating as we watched a few more movies. I finished mine and heard my phone ringing. It was Thomas. I picked it up and went to the pool area cause no one was there.

"Hello?" I said picking up.

"Hey baby, sorry I screamed at you in the morning. I've just been in a bad mood. You were asking where I was right? I'm at my parents house to surprise my dad with a new car. Sorry , I lost my temper because my parents were fighting and it pissed me off and made me scream at you." He said with background noises that sounded like a movie.

"Aww, it's ok. I get it. My parents never fought but my uncle and aunt did. Sometimes when we were at their house too. It's fine babe, so watcha up to?" I asked sitting fool on a chair by the pool.

"Nothing much, just watching a movie with my sister Lizette." He replied.

Authors note: sorry if I spelt her name wrong.

"Lizette say hi to my girlfriend." He said referring to his sister.

"HII!" She screamed.

"Hi Lizette," I said back normally. Me and Thomas talked for a while. I didn't know the group was listening to my every word. I started flirting with him while the group listened. I finally turned my head when I heard Patrick and Calvin scream.

"Babe, I gotta go. I'll call you later. Bye." I said hanging up. I walked over to the gang. They all gulped.

"One word." I started. "PRIVACY!" I screamed. They all stuttered trying to explain. I didnt listen.

Time skip to 11 P.M.

I sat in bed on the phone with Thomas. We talked for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour and how his family's doing ok.

Authors note: Comment the song I got that from

I hung up after about an hour and went to sleep.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now