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We made it to the house. Thomas held my hand in a way of relaxing me. He opened up the door. The second the door opened, Charli, Dixie, Addison, and Kouvr came running. The almost tackled me while trying to hug me.

*Time skip*

We had sorted everything out between us all. Charli decided we should have A Girl's Day. Addison was painting my nails until we all heard screaming from downstairs. It sounded like Tony and Alex. We walked down the stairs to see them all fighting.

"And WRESTLE" Alex screamed. Tony and Ondreaz were in the ring. It was hilarious. They were fighting for Nikita's heart. I came down the stairs and stood next to Thomas. He put his arm around me. The fight finished. Tony won.

"Can I and Thomas fight next for the hype house leadership," Micheal screamed.

"Oh Hell Nah. This man is injured and you wanna injure him more. Wait, who am I kidding. You're a wimp!" I screamed laughing. The whole house laughed except Micheal.

"I just wanna beat the shit out of someone," Micheal mumbled.

"Then fight me," I said back to him. The whole house stared at me. Thomas clutched my waist.

"No way," He said softly in my ear. I waved my hand at him. I got in the ring with Michael. He threw a punch at my stomach. I didn't feel anything. I just crossed my arms. I grinned. I slapped once and he was on the floor already.

"Hah! A wimp beat a wimp." Calvin screamed. He realized he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

2 seconds later

I was on top of Calvin with both his hand behind his back and his face stuffed into the ground.

"OKAY! OKAY! I AM SORRY! YOUR NOT A WIMP!" he screamed. I finally got off of him and smiled. Thomas came over to me and put his hand around my waist. I took it off and went back upstairs. We continued our girl's day. Addison finished my nails and I did hers. We were watching a Rom-Com until I got a text from Thomas.


Thomas: Umm, I need your help...

Mads: With wut?

Thomas: My wound, it's ummmm-

Mads: On my way.

End of texting

I rushed downstairs and into Thomas's room. I saw more blood on his chest.

"What did you do?" I asked while coming over to him with a cotton ball. I slowly took off his blood-stained shirt. I took off the patches I had put on that morning. I rubbed all the blood off. I slowly managed to get most of it all off. I saw a huge stab-wound. I held back a couple of tears that Thomas wouldn't see. I slowly stitched it back up. "Stay here, I'll get you a new shirt and wash this one," I said while going into his closet. I grabbed his favourite shirt and came back out. I helped him put it on. He smiled at me a couple of times.

I left his room and went back to Charli's. I sat in my spot and continued watching the movie.

"What happened?" Dixie asked as I sat down.

"Nothing," I answered. "Let's just keep watching."

An Hour later.

I was about to grab my jacket and leave until someone grabbed my arm.

"Stay, Won't You?" Thomas said whining.

"I would, but I have to get back. I have a meeting tomorrow." I said getting out of his grip. I gave him a kiss then left. I was about to start driving until a car pulled up behind me. I got out to see who it was. It was The Sway LA Boys for some reason.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now