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"Ummmm, I have to leave so move your car, Noah," I said while flipping them all off. Noah stared at me.

"Thomas called us. You have to stay now," Blake said smiling evilly.

"HUH?" I screamed. I ran back into the house. "THOMAS PETROU!" I screamed while throwing my purse on paper.

"What?" He said poking his head out of his room.

"YOU CALLED THEM, JUST TO MAKE ME STAY!" I said pointing at the sway boys.

"Ummm, yes..." he said softly.

"I am still not staying," I said running over to Noah. I stole his car keys and ran over to paper. Grabbed my purse and I ran out the door screaming. I could hear Noah and Thomas chasing me. I managed to make it into Noah's car. I drove away as fast as I could. I could hear the whole house laughing at my great escape. I parked by a nearby gas station. I didn't notice Thomas's car behind me. I parked then got out of my car. As I was walking to the inside of the gas station, I felt two hands pick me up. It was Thomas. Noah stole his car keys back. I stared into Thomas's eyes with a devil-like face on. I was mad. Noah drove his car back to the house as Thomas put me in his car.

"I hate you," I said as he drove. He smiled. I made an angry face. I saw he made the wrong turn. He was going to my apartment. I smiled. "I love you," I said still smiling.

"I love you too," He said putting his hand on my thigh.

"I love you more," I said moving my eyes onto his smile.

"I love you most," He said grabbing my hand and kissed it softly.

We made it to my apartment building. I said bye to Thomas and went inside. I said hi to the nice doorman, Luis. He was a little older than me. His Father in law owned the place. that's why he got the job. His wife, Brenda, was sweet too. She gave me a nice room because her kids were fans of mine. She didn't have to, but she wanted to. Her father was nice too. Apparently, her mom died when she was born so she was the only person he had left. He met me once but was still very sweet to me. They all were.

I made it up to my room and took off my heels and jacket. I went onto my balcony and stared at the sunset. I saw some kids below and waved to them. They waved back. I wanted to order some takeout so I got my phone out and order Opa Of Greek. It arrived a couple of minutes later. I sat by the tv and played Avengers: Endgame. I was obsessed with the Avengers movies. I used to watch them all with my brother. I forgot to take off the huge hop earrings I had on so as I was watching, I slowly took them off. After I ate, I got up and threw everything away and changed into comfy clothes. I put on sweatpants my mom had designed. ( my mom owns a fashion company called Cindy's Needle.-From the first chapter) I got into bed and drifted off into sleep.

The Next Day

I woke up to the doorbell ringing over and over. I got up and went to see who it was. I opened the door and was immediately hugged by someone. I recognized their hair, Thomas.

"Baby?" I asked while pulling away.

"Y-y-your okay!" He said worriedly.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why wouldn't I be okay?" I was confused. "HUH?"

"Chase escaped! I just got the phone call and I rushed over here. Thank god he didn't get to you yet." He said while hugging me again. He closed the door and locked it. He kissed me while trying to comfort me. He was worried, I could tell. I kissed back. He pulled away still a little worried.

"I should be the one worried," I rubbed his chest while saying that. "He's going to hurt you, not me." A tear fell down my cheek. Thomas wiped it away.

"Don't cry, please." He said kissing my cheek. He hugged me right after. I fell onto my knees. He did too. We didn't break the hug though. Small tears continued to fall down my tears. I could feel him crying.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

2 days later

Thomas had tried to convinced me to move back in so I did, but I hadn't forgiven myself yet. Everyone was fine with it, except the new girl, Darianka. I don't even know why Alex invited her. All I know is, she's trying to replace me and she's so bitchy. Thomas knew how I felt about her. He tried to keep me away from her. I had a photoshoot today so I got ready. I put on the white outfit my mom sent me.

I had gotten ready and was about to leave

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I had gotten ready and was about to leave. Darianka came over to me as I was grabbing my purse.

"Wut bitch?" I said zipping my purse up.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that I know you're the reason Thomas got hurt." She said smiling bitchly. I almost dropped my purse. No one was in the room.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now