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Previously: "Why are you so worried? You look like you can't breathe right now." He said while staring into my eyes. He stared at me for an answer.


"I-I-I-I" I couldn't even speak. He kissed me again. This time I kissed back. The kiss went on for about 3 minutes until he pulled away. He stared into my eyes. 

"It wasn't your fault. It was Chase's. He can't be happy for you. I would never be mad at you. Never." He said while kissing my head. "Chase won't hurt you ever again baby." 

He hugged me tightly. I buried my head in his chest. He noticed the blood on my finger. 

"What did you do?" He said while holding up my finger.

"I-I cut myself while cutting potatoes," I said closing my finger into my fist.

"Your so clumsy," He said while hugging me again.

A couple of hours later, Thomas had stayed to comfort me. I continued making dinner, just for two this time. I made mashed potatoes with a green salad. Thomas had hugged me from behind the entire time with his head on my shoulder. Being with him just made me feel safe. I could never be away from him anymore. Never.

We ate dinner and Thomas talked about life the entire time. After we finished I washed the dishes and Thomas helped me by doing the same thing he did while I was cooking. He was so cute. After I was done it was already 9 P.M. Thomas grabbed his jacket while we were watching a movie.

"And where do you think your going?" I asked.

"Home?" He answered.

"Aww," I said while turning back to the TV.

"Why?" He said taking his jacket off.

"I wanted you to stay. Stay, Won't You?" I said with puppy dog eyes. He sat down next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We continued watching the movie until he got a phone call from Alex. Thomas had fallen asleep. I picked up the phone and before I could say anything, Alex started screaming.

"Thomas, your still injured you know? Where did you at this time of night? Your such an idiot." He screamed.

"HEY! DON'T CALL MY BOYFRIEND AN IDIOT!" I screamed back. Alex didn't say anything.

"Maddison?" he said with a different tone.

"MADDISON!" I heard Kouvr scream. She grabbed the phone. "MADI?" she screamed."WHERE ARE YOU?!" 

"Somewhere and I am fine and Thomas is too. He is sleeping next to me." I responded.


"Mad mad?" I heard charli say.

"Charles?" I responded almost about to cry. I talked to almost everyone until Tony asked, "Wait, How did you get Thomas's phone?"

"Uhh.." I just hung up. I didn't have to tell him what happened. Thomas was still sleeping so I decided to wake him up after I finished my night routine.

After I had finished, I came back to the living room and saw Thomas still sleeping. I went out onto my balcony and admired the sky. Then I felt someone's arms around me. I looked back to see a sleepy Thomas. I led him to my bedroom and laid on the bed. I set an alarm and went to sleep in Thomas's arms. I couldn't on his chest so I just put his arm around me. 

The next day

Around 8 A.M., I heard my doorbell ring. I got out of bed and left Thomas there to answer the door. I opened the door to reveal a bouquet of flowers with a box of chocolates. 

"SURPRISE!" I heard a scream behind me. I saw Thomas standing there. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack," I said to him. I picked up the flowers and chocolates. "What's this for?" I asked him.

"I felt bad so I wanted to give you something special." He said smiling. I locked the door. I put the flowers in a vase and hugged him tightly.

"I should be doing this. It's my fault you got hurt." I said pulling away from the hug.

"Stop saying that. It wasn't your fault." He said kissing me. 

I took his shirt off to patch up his wound. It was hard for me to see all the blood but I managed to clean it up.

Three hours later.

Thomas was about to leave and I said bye and then I realized he forgot his phone. Turns out his password was my name. His camera roll was filled with pictures of me and him. I stared at a picture of us.

"Ahem," He said behind me.

"Uhh, sorry?" I said giving him his phone back.

"it's fine. With all the pictures of you, it's basically your phone." He said then he left. 

I chilled on my phone for a little until my doorbell rang. I got up and answered it. It was Chase. He stared at me devilishly.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now