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Previously: All of a sudden, Ondreaz walked in holding Chase.


Thomas's pov:

I broke the hug with Maddi and turned to Chase. Ondreaz had tied him up and Tony followed into the room with him. Tears slowly dripped down Maddi's face. I clutched her hand.

"I called the cops but I told them to come after the party. Don't want to ruin it for Larry." Tony said holding his phone. I went over to chase letting go of Maddi. Tony slowly walked over to her and hugged her tightly. He took her into the bathroom so she wouldn't have to see this. Let's just say I took all my anger out on him.

Maddison's pov:

Tony took me into my bathroom and wiped the tears off my face. He wiped off the dripping eyeliner with a makeup wipe. 

"Maddi, I'm sorry. This all happened because of us. We should have never called you to LA." he said while slowly rubbing my shoulder. I hugged him tightly.

"It's not your fault. Its chase's," I whispered in his ear under my breath. 

"Let's go back out to the party and pretend none of this ever happened," he said breaking the hug and grabbing my hand. We left through the door that didn't connect to the room. We went back out to the party and I started dancing with Charli, Kouvr, Addison, Nikita, and Dixie. I tried not to remember Chase. The party slowly started to end and Thomas and Ondreaz never came out. I was getting a little worried until Thomas finally stepped out with a little blood coming out of his lip. I ran over to him. No one saw us. I took him into the laundry room where no one would go.

"What did you do?" I asked while cleaning his lip with a small handkerchief.

"I beat the shit out of him. He managed to get on kick on me though." Thomas said while holding onto my waist. He pulled me closer as I continued cleaning his lip. I got most of the blood off. He had both his hands around my waist. Two small Tears fell down my face. Thomas wiped them away.

"Don't cry, please. I love you and I can't bear to see you cry." He said while pulling me closer.

"I love you too," I said while hugging him.

"ES!YES! YES! YES! THEY BOTH SAID IT!" Someone screamed from outside the door. I slowly opened the door. Tony, Nick, Ryland, Calvin, Paper, Alex, Charli, Dixie, Kouvr, and Addison were listening at the door. I and Thomas both just stared at them. They all slowly left.

"I'll leave you guys alone," Kouvr said shutting the door.

I stared back at Thomas and he slowly leaned in. He kissed me softly as I kissed back. Paper slowly opened the door and saw us both kissing.

"YESSS! THEY KISSED!" he screamed. I and Thomas didn't break the kiss. We were proud of our relationship. Everyone slowly pilled back up at the door and started screaming. They shipped us so much. Thomas motioned his hand in a way of telling them to leave again. We still didn't break the kiss. We continued kissing until we heard a scream. It was Larrys.

We all ran over. Turns out Brady had smashed the cake into his face. I slowly took Thomas back to the kitchen and made sure no one followed us. I wiped the last bits of blood off his face. He pulled me up and made me sit on the countertop so I didn't have to reach up to reach the blood on his head that was covered by hair. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped the blood off his head. I got off the counter and went over to the freezer. I Grabbed some ice for his head and put it in a ziplock bag. I walked back over to him and reached up to his head. He grabbed me by my waist and picked me up and put me back on the counter. I put the ice on his head and stared at his lips. I couldn't help myself. I dropped the ice and kissed him as quickly as I could. He kissed back softly. He picked me up off the counter. I wrapped my legs around him. We were in this position.

(Just imagine it in the outfit and in the kitchen

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(Just imagine it in the outfit and in the kitchen.)

H finally put me down after two minutes and broke the kiss. Most people had started leaving. The police had finally arrived and Thomas had to deal with them, so I stayed with Tony and Ondreaz. Ondreaz put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I slowly went into the kitchen so I didn't have to look at chase's face. Someone came hugged me from behind. It definitely wasn't Thomas. It was Nikita. I felt her hair. I continued to chop up strawberries as Nikita stole one. She shoved it in her mouth.

"NIKITA! GIVE ME MY STRAWBERRY!" I screamed as I chased her around the house. She hid behind Tony. "Yo got saved this time, but next time, you're dead!" I screamed at her while holding a knife.

"Let's take this away for a bit," Tayler said grabbing my knife from me. 

"Give me it," I hadn't started screaming yet but I will. "I SAID GIVE ME IT!" I screamed. Then someone walked in.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now