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I looked outside to see the sway-boys again but this time with cans of paint. They started dumping it on Patrick's car. I bursted our laughing off the balcony with several others. We stared down at them dumping green paint everywhere. Thomas and the Boys went down to confront them. We were all still laughing until Bryce threw a punch at Thomas's face. I started panicking a little because I could see his eye was red. All of a sudden Bryce threw more punches and I started running down the stairs as fast as I could. The girls followed me. I made it to the bottom and Bryce threw another punch at Thomas.

"PULL THEM APART DUDE!" I screamedat the boys. Josh and Griffin finally pulled Bryce off of Thomas and pulled him into a car. The sway boys started to leave was I ran over to Thomas. His eye was black and his cheek was bleeding harshly. I cupped his face with my hands as a small tear fell down my face. He wiped it away quickly and stared at me. I couldn't hold back any tears. They started to flood down my face as I stared at Thomas. He pulled me into a hug and I shoved my face into his chest. Thomas pulled away from the hug after a little bit. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him over to the kitchen. I grabbed the first aid kit and walked over to him. I was much shorter than him so I reached up high to reach his cheek. He picked me up and put me on the counter so I could reach him. Tears continued to drip down my face as I wiped the blood of his cheek. He wiped my tears away.

"Stop crying please. I can't bare to see you cry like this. I love you so much and you know that." He said wiping the last tear of my face. I pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged back and pulled away after about 20 seconds.

"I love you too and you know that too," I said wiping the blood of his face. I finished and gave him ice for his eye. I stared at the marks on his cheek.

"Why didn't you fight back?" I asked softly.

"I didn't want to kill him." He answered making me laugh a little. "There's that Maddie smile I love." I blushed a little. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me softly. He pulled me off the counter while not breaking the kiss. I put hands around his neck while he carried me over to our room not breaking the kiss. He dropped me on the bed and locked the door. He came over to me and pulled the huge hoodie off my tiny body. I placed a kiss on his cheek as he slowly gave me a small hickey on my neck going down to my legs. I was wearing shorts so he pulled the shorts along with my underwear off. He started going up placing hickeys in a cute formation. He made it all the way and pulled off my bra.

"I said I would rip those clothes off you," he said chuckling. I tucked some hair behind my ear as he started pulling off his own clothes. He grabbed a condom from the bottom of our drawer. He slipped it on and stared at my eyes at he came into me. He went slow but sped up quickly. I covered my mouth because I knew I would moan. He went deeper and deeper with every second until he reached the end. I closed my eyes as he continued for half an hour. He finally pulled out and took the condom off. He plopped down next to as I shoved my head into his muscular chest. He smiled as brushed some hair out of my face.

"My legs feel weird baby." I said softly.

"I said I would fuck you till you can't walk." He said smirking.

"I have a meeting tomorrow!" I screamed into his ear.

"I'll wake up early and go get you some after pills. They should help you walk. What time is your meeting?" He asked rubbing the side of my shoulder.

"Noon." I answered. He smiled and kissed my forehead as I slowly drifted off into sleep. I felt his strong arms around me the entire time. I was such a lucky girl.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now