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It was from Alex. He had handcuffs in his hands. 

"Don't get mad." He said while Tayler and Nate grabbed my arms and legs. "Thomas told us to do this." He handcuffed both my hands and then put duck tape over my mouth.

"So, now that you can't scream, e have some news. Chase got arrested. But umm, Due to legal reasons. You being arrested too. Just two weeks. You being put behind bars....." Alex said rubbing the back of his neck. My heart sank. What did he just say? A tear fell down my face.

"SIKE!" The entire house screamed. I felt like slapping them all. Thomas walked and saw Tayler and Nate holding me. He saw the duck tape and handcuffs. 

"What's going on here?" he asked coming over to me and breaking the handcuffs. I hugged him tightly. e ripped the duck tape off my mouth.

"YALL AIN'T EATING TOMORROW!" I screamed while running to my room. Thomas followed me. he saw me washing my mouth and grabbing my head in pain. 

"Babe, you ok?" He asked while rubbing my back slowly.

"I-I'm fine," I said while grabbing an elastic to tie up my hair into a pony. I changed into comfy clothes. Thomas came over to me and rubbed my arms softly. 

"Today was the most dramatic day in my entire life," He said putting his head on my shoulder.

"You went through all that trouble just for me, I love so much babe," I said rubbing his head. He smiled and kissed my neck. we slowly went to sleep while cuddling. 

The next day

I woke up and Thomas wasn't there. I got up and took a shower. I got out a changed into jeans and a cute shirt. I came downstairs and made breakfast for just Thomas and me. Everyone stared at me with angry eyes and I just smiled at them. Patrick and Calvin came up behind me and picked me.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed. Calvin carried me over and tried to throw me in the pool. Luckily, Thomas was there. He stole me from Calvin's grip and put me down next to him. He put his hand around my waist and stared at Calvin. Calvin slowly backed up and then ran as fast as he could. I slowly kissed him on the cheek. I didn't notice Alex was filming us. He turned his head kissed me softly. 

"YASSSS! I GOT IT ON CAMERA!" Alex screamed. Thomas broke the kiss with me and stared at Alex. I did too. 

"And that's proof we weren't lying. They are dating people!" Charli screamed. I stared at her with an angry face. 

"Since you'll are being so annoying, we'll kiss. That's what you want right." Thomas said turning my head back to him. He kissed me softly while everyone started screaming. I kissed back because I knew that's what he wanted. 

"THOMAS AND MADDISON SITTING IN A TREE. K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Everyone screamed as me and Thomas didn't break the kiss. 

An hour later.

Alex decided to record this for his vlog. (replace mia with Maddison.)

When he stopped Calvin from kissing me, I knew he truly loved me. He took me to our room.

"get ready, Double date night tonight." He said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"With who?" I asked going into the bathroom.

"Alex and kouvr." he said while getting ready. I slowly started straightening my hair. Kouvr walked in with her cat, Stormi. 

"Hey bub," I said while continuing my hair. She put down a note and left. I picked it up and read it.

'Go look in the closet, Left corner. -Thomas'

I left the bathroom and went to the closet. I found a gorgeous teal dress with another note.

'I love you!' I picked up the dress and took it back to the bathroom. I finished getting ready and Thomas walked in.

 I finished getting ready and Thomas walked in

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"I knew you'd look great." he said while hugging me from behind. 

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yup, we all are. Btw, Change of plans, Everyone is coming now. Alex told them they could come. Sooooo," He said grabbing his car keys.

"Oh god. So not even a date, Just a dinner." I said grabbing my purse.

"We can go to the beach later." he said grabbing my hand.

"Fine," I said leaving with him. We made it to the Restaurant and I sat next to Thomas and Charli. I was talking Addison until Thomas put me hand on my thigh under my dres a little bit.He was still facing Tayler and flimming with his other hand.I continuing talking to Addison while slowly putting one of my hands n top of his. I held onto his hand while he softly clutched mine. Charli looked over and noticed while I continued talking to Addison. 

"Your a lucky girl sis," she whispered into my ear. I smiled at her and continued talked to Addison when a girl showed up. I didn't notice her until she sat next to Thomas and he had turned his camera off. I noticed he was a little awkward was moving closer to me. Then I heard a ding from my phone. Kouvr had texted me.

Kouvr: Why is she here?

Maddi: I don't even know who she is. I didn't invite her

Kouvr: That's Thomas's ex....

Maddi: Who invited her? I am going to murder them.

Kouvr: I don't know but I'll find out.

I kept Thomas's hand clutched with mine. I knew he was awkward. I kissed his cheek and he smiled softly. 

"Get a room," Calvin, Tony, Ondreaz, Nate, and Talyer screamed. 

"Yall are just jealous because your all single or not as cute as us," I said while slowly taking a sip of water. Thomas's ex-girlfriend stared at me. I ignored her and decided to continue my talk with Addison and Dixie. 

"Dix, There is no such thing as a ph-t-namai, whatever that is." Addison said as she turned to dixie. 

"Dude, search it up, It exists." Dixie said fighting with Addison. Me and charli just watched them fight as we ate.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now