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He pulled me back in. I had no choice, he was much stronger than me. I went to sleep again as he was sleeping already. I dreamt of him and Kayla for some reason.

(Dreams are in slanted)

I stared at Thomas who had Kayla close to him. They started to make out as Darianka stood next to me with a loaded pistol. I stole it from her and aimed it at myself . I pulled the trigger and heard a bang. After that everything went black.

I woke up and sprung up. Thank god it was a dream. I would have died. Thomas pulled me back down and made me lay in his arms again. I stared at his face while letting out a small tear. I treated him so well and he did this to me. I managed to make it out of his arms. I looked at the time. It was the next day already. I got up and put in the eye drops again. Thomas started to wake up so I ran out of the room. I didn't want to talk to him at all. I walked over to the kitchen. It was only 6 A.M. so no one was awake. I sat on a chair with my head in my hands. I grabbed my phone and texted Camila if I could come over.


Me: hey Camila, can I call you

Camila: of course sis, is everything ok

Me: no, it's not, I'll explain when I call

Camila: ok....

I dialed her number while going over to the balcony.

"Hello?" She asked picking up.

"Hey boo, you don't know how much I need this." I said closing the door behind me.

"What's wrong though?" My worried friend asked. I sighed and started explaining everything. She cut me off and asked a few questions that I answered sighing. After I was done explaining everything, she gave me some advice and hung up after about two hours. Dixie woke up with Addison, Charli, Alex, Micheal, and Kouvr. They all came to the kitchen as I started making breakfast. Thomas came down and hugged me from behind. I held back from doing anything and ignored him. He squeezed me a little bit to get my attention. I tried my best to ignore him. I put breakfast down on the counter and everyone started eating. Thomas did too while staring at me. He looked a little mad. I looked away from his eyes and looked down at my food. I ate it all without tasting any of it. I put my dishes away and didn't bother to wash them. Dixie washes them for me because she knew what I was going through. I went over to the pool where Thomas was filming for his vlog. I ignored him and sat next to Addison. After he was done filming, he sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh while staring into my eyes.

"It should be illegal for you to be this beautiful," He whispered into my ear. I held back from hugging or kissing him. I pushed his hand off and went inside. I signaled Dixie to meet me in my room in five minutes as I ran to my room. I locked the door and shoved my face in my pillow letting out a few tears. I heard a knock at the door and figured it was Dixie. I got up and went to open it. When I did, Thomas came in and pinned me against the wall. He locked the door again and stared into my eyes. He kissed me softly and I didn't kiss back. He pulled away and stared into my dark brown eyes. I felt a tear fall down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

"What did I do wrong? What did I do that made you ignore me and cry?" He asked softly.

"Thomas, I know about you and Kayla, I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sorry." I said trying to push him away but I failed.

"What do you mean? I haven't seen Kayla since the dinner she crashed." He said pulling me back to the wall. My wrists hit the wall hardly and he clutched them tightening with every word. I felt some pain.

"Thomas, someone sent me the pictures of you two. Stop lying to me. I know you cheated on me with Kayla." I said. He started to get Mad. I could see it in his eyes as he tightened on my wrists. I felt a tear fall down my face out of pain. He let go of my wrists and I noticed a mark. I felt a few more tears fall down my face. He wiped them away.

"Who's this person sending you pics. And I want to see the pictures." He said as I knew he was getting angrier. I didn't want him to hurt me so I grabbed my phone and showed him.

"First of all, those are old pictures. Second, I was never friends with a Morgan. Third of all, how could you fall for something like this? Don't you know how much I care for you?" He said putting my phone down.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly.

"Do I look like I'm lying?" He answered. I felt a few tears drop down my face. Thomas wiped them away.

"What's wrong now?" He said softly.

"I feel so bad for believing someone I barely knew." I said as I shoved my face into his chest. He rubbed my head softly. I felt his rings cross against my hair. He grabbed my wrist and noticed the marks. They were bleeding. He pulled me away and grabbed a small cloth next to the bed. He started to clean of the blood until I squealed. My wrist stinged as the cloth touched me. He grabbed my hand and clutched it to make sure I was fine.

"Baby, you ok?" He asked kissing one of my fingers. I nodded and he continued just softer. He managed to clean up the blood and put bandages on my wrists.

Author's note: if you have ideas please give me them.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now