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Previously: Right when I entered, I felt a hand go over my mouth.


I saw Thomas with his hand on my mouth. I bit it softly and he let go of me.

"Ow," he screamed. I laughed while walking over to the bed. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You think this is funny? How you like this?" He asked while placing a soft kiss on my neck. He locked the door behind me and continued giving me a hickey. I tried pushing him off but he stayed on me.

"Baby, please." I whinned. He finally pulled away and stared at me while having me pinned to the wall.

"I'll teach you a lesson later," he whispered into my ear. He let go of me and walked back to the bed as I ran into the bathroom. I washed my face and started to brush my teeth as Thomas walked in and hugged me from behind. He took his cute picture of us and posted it on Instagram.

 He took his cute picture of us and posted it on Instagram

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Caption: Even when she's trying not to be cute, she is.

maddison.voncoleaz: love you too

charlidamelio: this is byfar the worst yet cutest pic of you guys ever.

diego.voncoleaz: Get Your Hands Off My Sister

Reply to diego.vonclleaz: Yes Sir

I finished my night routine as Thomas kissed my cheek and left the room. I cleaned up the counter and turned off the lights to the bathroom. I dimmed the lights to our bedroom and walked over to Thomas. He had my after pills in his hand. I tried grabbing them from him but he was much stronger than me and held me back. I struggled to grab the bottle from and gave up. I pulled away from him and stood up straight with an angry face on. I felt something under my foot that poke me.

"Ouch!" I screamed bringing my foot up. Thomas got uo from his laying position and came over to me. I looked down to see a few drops of blood and a push pin on the ground. Thomas grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed as he looked at the bottom of my foot. He saw blood oozing out of a certain spot. He grabbed a bandaid and put it on the bloody area.

"Be careful next time." He said laying down next to me. I smashed my lips against his and pulled him closer and closer towards me. He started to pull off my shirt as he broke the kiss. He started to give me hickeys around my body. He pulled off my shorts with my undies and unbuckled my bra. He took off his own clothes and grabbed a condom. He slipped it on and slipped inside of me. I covered my mouth as he went deeper. I closed my eyes from pleasure. I let one moan slip out. Thomas grinned and went deeper. He hit the same spot he did 2 days ago. I knew my legs would feel weak after. About an hour later, we both got tired and Thomas laid next to me. I put my head on his chest as he covered me with a blanket.

"Where a-are my after p-pills baby?" I stuttred. He grabbed my cheek and kissed it softly.

"Your not getting them back. Learn your lesson." He whispered into my ear. I frowned and he smirked a little.

"You'll get them back in the morning." He said as I started to fall asleep. I fell asleep on his chest.

The next morning cuz I'm lazyyy

Thomas's POV:

I woke up to Maddison laying on my chest. I stared at her until I noticed something on her back. It was red and bruised. I didn't touch her back last night though. I stared at the bruises. They were definitely fresh. I put my hand on one of the bruises. She twitched and layed her head into my chest a little more. I looked back at the bruises as I slowly fell asleep again.

Maddison's POV:

I woke up with Thomas's arma around me. I took them off and got up and went to the closet. I picked out an outfitt and went over to the bathroom. I started showering and did a small face mask. After I was done putting on clothes., I covered up my hickeys as Thomas walked in with a sleepy face. He put his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. I continued covering my neck in fondation. It looked weird so I rubbed some red eye shadow in to make it look like some bruises.

"Baby, Be Honest. How did you get those bruises on your back?" He asked staring. I dropped my brush and stared at him through the mirror.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now