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I didn't notice they had made it into the room. I was in the middle of my kiss with Thomas when they all started screaming. I broke the kiss and stared at them. They continued screaming Happy birthday and sweet things. Thomas turned my head towards him. 

"I love you," He whispered into my ear so that only I could hear.

"I love you too," I whispered back.

"AND I LOVE YOU BOTH MORE!" Charli screamed. I stared at her with a weird face on.

"Will you marry me, Charles?" I asked smiling knowing the answer.

"YES!" She screamed so loud the world could hear. Thomas stared at me with a mad face. I kissed him softly.

"I'm joking. She can have Diego," I said smiling. He smiled back at me and everyone started screaming lovebirds. I didn't care at this point. Soon they all left the room and I fell back asleep on Thomas's chest.

The morning

I woke up with Addison shaking me.

"I made you breakfast," She said handing me a tray. Thomas wasn't in the room. I took the tray and ate it fast. We were getting late for our nail appointment. I got out of bed and got ready. I got ready like this.

 I got ready like this

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I ran out of my room. I ran downstairs. the girls were waiting for me there. We drove to the nail salon and I sat in my chair. I chatted with Charli, Dixie and Addison the whole time. We talked about life, drama, and my birthday plans. We decided to go to a restaurant after our nails. I got my nails finished and took a picture of them and posted it on Instagram.

 I got my nails finished and took a picture of them and posted it on Instagram

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Caption: Bday nails!!

diego.voncoleaz: Happy Birthday sista!

reply to diego.voncoleaz: Love ya!

kyliejenner: Happy Birthday!

reply to kyliejenner: OMG TYSM!

charlidamelio: Umm, My foot is bleeding

rylandstorms: Cute! also Happy bday again

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My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now