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Previously: "Oh, nothing. It's just that I know you're the reason Thomas got hurt." She said smiling bitchly. I almost dropped my purse. No one was in the room.


I looked her dead in the eye.

"Everyone in the house knows Bitch," I said fixing my purse and grabbing my phone.

"Well, I know your cheating on him." She said twirling her fingers.

"what? No, I am not." I said staring at her.

"Well, After what you did, He's not going to believe you." She said.

"Oh Bitch please," I said while leaving. "Buh-Bye."

Thomas's pov:

I heard the front door close and I knew Maddison had left. I hoped her shoot went well. I was chilling on my phone until Darianka walked in.

"Hey, Thomas..." She said frowning." I have to tell you something." I stared at her confused. "MADDISON IS CHEATING ON YOU!" she screamed. I was stunned. At first, I believed her and then I knew Maddison wouldn't do such a thing.

"Do you got proof?" I asked.

"Yes, I do." She said while showing me a picture of Maddison and another guy.

Darianka's pov: I had shown him a picture of Maddison and her brother. He didn't know him so this worked out in my favour.

Back to Thomas's pov: My jaw dropped. My heart stopped beating. I could feel tears almost coming out. I kept them in. Darianka had seen my feelings so she left. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. I wanted to punch the shit out of Maddison.

3 hours later

I chugged down the whole bottle of whiskey. All I remember while we were fighting was screaming at her and slapping her a couple of times. I didn't feel bad at all. I felt good. She deserved that. She cheated on me. I had fallen asleep at the bar. I dreamt about Maddison for some reason.

The next day

I woke up to a ding on my phone. I scrolled through TikTok a little. I found Maddison's latest video. It was her on a plane. She had landed in Canada. I saw the guy who was in the photo with her. He called her sis. I decided to stalk him. Turns out he was her brother. I felt so bad. I called Maddison. Luckily she picked up.

"Hello?" she said sounding like she was mad.

"Maddi? Maddi, I am so sorry. Darianka tricked me. She showed me a picture of you kissing your brother on the cheek. I thought it was someone else. Maddi, I am so sorry. Before you came, I had gotten a little drunk. I feel so bad. I shouldn't have hurt you. I wanna cry right now. So badly. And I can't-" I said. She cut me off

"Your acting like me when you got stabbed." I could hear her crying a little. I sent her a facetime call. She accepted and I could see her eyes. They were puffy and red. There was a bruise where I had slapped her. She could tell I was staring at it. "Thomas, I'll call you later, I have to go." She said while trying to get up.

"Ok bye baby," I said while putting my finger over the hang-up button.

"Bye babe." She said while hanging up. I didn't tell anyone in the house about our fight. I went over to Darianka's room though.

"Pack your things. You have 1 day to leave." I said coming into her room.

"What?" She asked playing dumb.

"You heard me. I am kicking you out. Goodbye." I said while turning around and leaving.

"Why Though? What did I do?" she played dumb again.

"I saw the things you did online. You lied to me about Maddison and your just a bitch in general." I said while still having my back turned on her.

I let the rest of the house know that Maddison had just gone to see her family for a little while. I also told them about Darianka leaving. I heard a ding on my phone. I check to see who it was, It was Maddison. She sent me a picture of her kissing her nephew on the cheek with the caption 'Now this is cheating'. I laughed. She was honestly the best girl I had ever met. Kayla compared nothing to her.

A Week Later

Maddison's pov:

I got on my plane for LA. Me and Thomas had sorted things out. It was finally better between us. The second I landed, I saw him waiting for me. I rushed over to give him a hug. I squeezed right into his chest.

"Hi baby," he whispered in my ear. I smiled lightly. He drove me back to the house. He put his hand on my thigh very close to my area. I didn't mind though. We made it to the house and he helped me carry my one bag in. I saw Nikita chilling on the couch.

"NIKITA!" I screamed.

"MADDI!!" She screamed louder. She ran over to me and almost tackled me. All the girls heard and came up to me and tackled me.

"I AM NOT A TACKLE ITEM PEOPLE!" I screamed. Everyone laughed and drunk paper came and got on top of the tackle chain. "OWWWWW!" I screamed.

"EVERYBODY! GET OFF MY GIRLFRIEND PEOPLE!" Thomas screamed. They finally got off. I went back to mine and Thomas's room. He followed me. I looked around. Nothing had changed. Thomas came and wrapped his hands around my waist. He put his head on my shoulder. I brushed his hair and turned around to see if the door was locked. It was. I turned around and kissed Thomas for about two minutes. He started to take off his shirt until we heard screaming from downstairs. I ran downstairs and saw charli crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked while running down the stairs.

"Alex scared charli with a snake," Dixie said pointing at the snakes.

"I LOVE SNAKES" I screamed while grabbing the biggest one.

1 hour later

The snakes left and I was chilling in my room until Thomas walked in shirtless.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now