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I woke up in a pretty Darkroom. I felt my hands and legs tied up. I thought Chase had done something again. Then a girl with long brown hair came over to me. She turned on soft light. It was Darianka. She smiled devilishly and started talking.

"My plan may have not worked as good as Chase's did. But honestly, it's about to work. I told you. Thomas is mine." She said holding a small blade. "And if something were to happen to you, he would need a shoulder to cry on, wouldn't he? Well, that's where I come in. I am.giving you an hour left to live little Maddie. After that, bye-bye Maddison VonColeaz." After she stopped talking, she placed a small cut on my wrist. I remember the locket. My hair was still in a bun. I thought about Thomas and the house. Their entire plan was for nothing. I was about to die anyway. A small tear escaped my eyes. Darianka had left the room. I continued to think about the house counting down the seconds until my time.

Thomas's pov:

After Maddie left with Tana, I got ill and took a small shower cause I felt disgusting. After I came out Maddison still wasn't there. I went to the kitchen and saw no one. I went to Alex's room. I didn't see her there either. He said she was talking to Tana and then he doesn't know. I went back to my room and checked the security cameras. I saw Darianka and what had happened. I called Chase and Charli to my room and asked them if this was part of their plan. They both were surprised when they saw the footage. They both said no and said Darianka was never part of this plan. I started panicking. I remembered the locket again and tracked it down. She was at an abandoned house. I drove there with Charli, Chase, Alex, Nick, and Ryland.

Maddison's pov:

Darianka came back and I knew it had been over an hour. I said goodbye in my head and thought about everyone I loved. Darianka came right over to me and had a larger knife in her hand. She had the tip right at my stomach. All of a sudden the door smashed open and Darianka accidentally pushed the knife all the way in. I screamed in pain. The last thing I remember seeing was Thomas's eyes. Wow, even when I was dying I was thinking about him. I blacked out and after that, I remember nothing.

Thomas's pov:

I broke the door and saw Maddie. Darianka had a knife in her stomach. I heard Maddie scream then she blacked out. Charli ran over to her and pushed Darianka aside. Nick grabbed Darianka with Ryland and pushed her against a wall. I walked over to Maddie as Charli was pulling the bloody knife. She threw the knife across the room. Tears were flooding down Charli's face. Maddie had her eyes closed and she wasn't breathing. Alex called the ambulance as I stared at Maddie. Charli untied her arms and legs and hugged her tight. The ambulance arrived and I went with them. I held Maddie's hand the entire time we were on the ambulance. Charli and the others had gone home panicking. We all were.

An hour later, Maddie had been placed in a coma. Everyone else had come to the hospital. They said there wasn't a big chance she was going to wake up. We were all sitting in the waiting room while some of the girls cried. I sat next to dixie as she let out a few tears onto my shoulder. The doctor came into the room and motioned for only me to come. The test of the gang saw and I got up and left. I went into her room with him. I stared at her body with an oxygen mask on her and her hair tied up in a bun still. The doctor explained that she had woke up from the coma but she was sleeping right now. The doctor had left and I sat on a chair next to her bed. I held her tightly and kissed it softly. I sat there staring at her eyes and how this was all my fault. I should have never invited her to LA. I stared at her until Charli opened the door. It was just her.

"Mind if I come in?" She asked softly. I nodded at she sat on the other side of the bed. She held Maddie's other hand. I could see tears falling down her face. She softly clutched Maddies hand tighter while crying. I clutched harder as well.

"I am gonna start bursting into tears so I am going to leave," she said getting up and leaving the room. I let go of her. I got up and started to walk as a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned around a saw Maddison with her eyes wide awake. She pulled me close. She hugged me tight and kissed my forehead. I hugged back until the doctor walked in.

"Your awake, good," he said sitting down. I got up and sat on the chair next to the window. I stared at maddie while the doctor did a small check up on her. "She won't be able to talk for a while, I suppose you wanna stay here and take care of her?" The doctor said again. I nodded and he left. I stared at Maddison again as she took off her oxygen mask. I smiled at her and she sat up a little. I helped her up while still smiling.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now