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Thomas's POV:

I woke up to my lips being touched by another. I pushed them away immediately to see Maddison's dark brown eyes in front of me. she was smiling and I knew she was the one that had kissed me. She slowly tucked some hair behind her ear as she stared into my eyes. I stared back as she moved closer pulling herself onto my lips and placing another kiss on my lips.

"Maddie?" I said pulling away from the kiss. She nodded. "Maddie? You're here? Why? I thought you were mad at me for leaving you at the beach." She covered my mouth immediately and pushed me more onto the bed.

"Yes, I'm here. Baby, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you jealous like that. I knew how you-" I broke her off with another kiss.

"I should be sorry, your free to hug whoever you want. I shouldn't have gotten jealous when you hugged Shawn." I said pulling away. She smiled and stared into my eyes again. I pulled her into the bed and hid her in my arms. I kissed her head and she shoved her face into my chest. I smiled at her and noticed it was 4 A.M.

"Why are you here so early?" I whispered to her.

"I didn't want anyone to see me." She said while being trapped in my arms. I stared down at her while she started to fall asleep a little.

"It was hard last night and the night before trying to sleep without these muscular arms around me." She whispered going to sleep. I smiled at her one last time and drifted off back into sleep.

Maddison's POV:

I woke up in Thomas's arms that morning. I came up with a lie in my brain for this whole thing. I was going to say that we pranked them and we were getting revenge for the whole plan thing they did. Thomas started to wake up I kissed his shoulder softly as he did. Then Alex came crashing through the door.

"THOMAS! SOMEONE BROKE-" he said as I turned around to face him. "Maddison? What are you doing here?"

"Laying in bed with my bae. Why?" I asked holding on to one of Thomas's arms.

"I thought you were mad at him." He said looking confused as fuck.

"Oh that. That was all a prank and revenge for the little plan thing you guys did on us." I said grinning evilly. Thomas put his hand on my shoulder also confused as Alex shut the door and left.

"What was that?" Thomas asked.

"Just keep saying that when anyone asks. It'll scare them and help us." I said turning back to him. He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and started to get up. I did too and went over to the bathroom.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now