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I put my phone down to see what he would do. He came over to me and grabbed my hand forcing me to get up. He pinned me against the wall and kissed a little roughly. Was he mad at me? I couldn't stop myself from pushing him away.

"Babe, is something wrong?" I asked while holding onto his shirt.

"Yes, I-I'm sorry. I know it was too rough. It's just that Darianka won't leave me alone." He said while putting his arms around my neck. He kissed me again but softer. He started to turn it in a makeout sesh with me still pinned to the wall. I put my hands on his shoulders as he slowly moved his hands down to my waist. Then Ryland walked.

"Hey Maddison, do you want some coff-" He said dropping the Dunkin he had bought me. I broke the kiss with Thomas. "Seems you already getting energy. I'll leave you two alone," He said closing the door. I stared at Thomas. He stared at the coffee spilled on the floor. I turned his head back to me and kissed him again. He broke the kiss, moving his lips to my neck. He left small hickeys.  He slowly started taking off my shirt. He went down continuing to leave hickeys. 

He threw me on the bed while slowly getting on top of me. I kissed him softly as he unzipped my pants. He slowly took them off staring at my eyes. He came up to me while slowly kissing every part of my body. He took off my undies and bra while slowly giving me hickeys everywhere. Thomas slowly got up. He locked the door again and made sure no one was coming. He slowly took off his pants and boxers. He grabbed a condom and slipped it on. He looked at me in a way of asking ready. I nodded as he slipped in. He went slow at first then picked up his pace. He ended after an hour or two. I had fallen asleep on his chest.

Thomas's pov:

I stared at Maddi as she slept. I felt so bad for the other day. I head a ding from my phone. I checked to see who it was. 

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Let her go. She's mine

Thomas: HI chase. Glad to see your alive. She's busy right now but she won't ever remember you. 

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Thomas, I swear. 

Thomas: hurt me as much as you want. I am not letting you have her. You just using her like you used charli.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: I am not hurting you. It's her I am hurting. She might die. She might not.

I put my phone down. I hugged Maddi tighter. He can't hurt her. No. He can't. I slowly drifted off into sleep hugging maddi tightly.

Maddison's pov:

I woke up in Thomas's arms. I escaped his grip and went to take a shower. I changed into a crop top and jeans and covered up my hickeys. Thomas was awake. He came over to me and hugged me tightly from behind. I kissed his arm and continued. I slowly covered up the one hickey I had given him. He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Tonight was larry's birthday party. The balloons were being set up. I loved birthdays. The party started getting me missing my family.

Thomas came over and hugged me from behind. I escaped his grip and ran across the house. I saw Nikita, Tony, and Ondreaz. I hid behind Ondreaz.

"WOAH WOAH!" He screamed. Then Thomas ran in. Ondreaz put his hand on mine to comfort me.

"Maddison, I can see you." He said pulling me away from ondreaz. He pulled me close to him. I stared into his eyes smiling.

"I better get ready," I said smiling and looking at the time.

"For what?" Thomas asked holding onto my wrist.

"Shopping, I need an outfit for tonight," I said making him let go of me.

"Alone? or with someone?" He said. Everyone in the room was staring at us.

"Alone. Don't worry. I would never do something like that." He put on a worried face. 

Thomas's pov:

The second she said alone I remembered chase. 

"I'll go with you," I said while accidentally popping a balloon. "And they all can come too," I said pointing at Alex, Tony, Ondreaz, Charli, Kouvr, Nikita, and Dixie.

"Ok. Get ready fast." She said walking into our room.

"Dude, I don't wanna go shopping," Ondreaz said getting up. 

I dragged the entire house except for Maddison into the kitchen. I explained everything. The whole Chase thing and how I couldn't leave her alone.

"So, we are all going to the mall," Tony asked while grabbing a soda.

"Yup, Please," I said while trying to make them understand.

"Does she know?" Charli asked referring to maddi.

"No, and she can't. It would stress her out." I said.

20 Minutes later

We made it to the mall and Maddison was in a dress store with all of the girls. I saw chase with Nessa walking into the same store from the corner of my eye. I showed the boys and we entered the store. I put my hands around her waist as she picked out a dress. She smiled and put her hands on mine. She finally found a teal dress. charli was confused so I signalled her about Chase. She looked over to see Nessa And Chase kissing. We all saw except Maddison. He had moved on so fast. Maddison went up and paid for the dress she had picked out.

We got back to the house. I was still nervous about Chase. It was almost time for the part so me and Maddison went back to our room.

Maddison's Pov: 

The entire day, Thomas was acting a little weird. I have noticed he was worried. I decided to ignore it and got ready for the party.

I liked the dress but I thought it showed too much skin

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I liked the dress but I thought it showed too much skin. Whatever, Only people from the house were coming. Larray finally arrived and things started getting awesome. Tony started twerking on Larry and Thomas was still watching them. I couldn't breathe so I want back to Thomas' and mine's room. I chilled on the couch until I noticed Thomas left his phone. I opened it up. (The password was her name) I decided to look at some pictures we had. Then he got a text from UNKNOWN NUMBER.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: guess who's outside?! 

I looked at the texts before that and my heart sank.

Thomas's pov: 

I was standing next to Maddison and watching tony until I saw Chase from the corner of my eye. How did he get in? I gave Ondreaz a hint about him being here. Then I looked at Maddison. She wasn't sitting next to me anymore. Chase was still with ondreaz so he couldn't have done anything. Then I noticed her going into our room. I followed her and by the time I got there, he was sitting on my phone. She had a surprised look on her face. She had read the messages. I walked over to her not knowing what would happen next.  I came over to her and before I could say anything her hugged me tightly. I could feel her crying into my chest. I hugged her back. All of  a sudden, Ondreaz walked in holding Chase.

My Love -Thomas PetrouWhere stories live. Discover now