01 - OhmKao

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UWMA - Let Him Think It's KaoOhm - Part 01 - OhmKao

"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome the cast of Until We Meet Again!"

"I am Jennie and I will be your host tonight!!!" She wai'd and continued on, "Please take care of me!!!"


MC Jennie shouted into her mic, "Let us proceed!!!"

At that moment, the curtains slowly opened, two silhouettes were seen.

The fans had thought they were going to introduce the past and present couples but instead, the two coined-husbands were posed on stage!

Since the production team decided to promote that way, of course, the loving fans couldn't disappoint.

The arena filled with all of the admirers' continued chanting, it was non-stop like they didn't need to breathe.


Louder and louder by the second.


More and more as the two actors walked towards center-stage.


The two dressed in simple blue jeans and white tees with no logos, yet, look absolutely stunning.


Like models, they walked next to each other, in sync, and made their way to the front.


Once at their designated spots, the beams of lights focused.

One landed on a beautiful man with luscious black hair, flawless skin and the most mesmerizing eyes. Even though Kao's 26, he looks more like an 18-year-old, with a little more make-up, he could probably pass for 16 if not for his six-foot-tall, muscular stature.

Looking as calm as can be, even though internally he wanted to throw a fireball, Kao raised his mic and confidently and clearly stated, "KaoOhm."

The other ray concentrated on a handsome, slightly taller, athletic male with the same colored hair, prominent, chiseled facial features, smoldering eyes and a mischievous grin. His voice, soft but uncompromising, it rang through the crowd like a heated knife parting a pad of butter, "Let him think it's KaoOhm."

Accordingly, the audience indeed melted.



Kao immediately shot a death ray at Ohm...what does he mean by let him think that? It's definitely KaoOhm and not OhmKao!

Ohm deflected the kill-beam with the cutest smile and loving gaze often seen in the series when he was staring at Pharm, it made the 26-year-old turn his head back and roll his eyes.

The audience ate up every little detail of their interactions and almost died, if this is just the start of the fan-meet, will they be able to make it through the rest of the event?!

The background noise did not stop.



Hearing the crowd, Ohm's devilish smirk got impossibly wider.

Although Ohm's younger than Kao by three years, his size, height and demeanor are that of a dominating CEO and he himself knows it well. He also knows that his senior hates the fact that their fans love pairing them together, sending them out into the ocean, sailing away happily ever after.

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