18 - Senseless (NSFW)

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UWMA - Let Him Think It's KaoOhm - Part 18 - Senseless (NSFW)

Ohm's reaction was quick but not quick enough, once he felt Kao push back he tried to hold his waist down to pause any movement but his P'Kao was still able to swallow his cock half-way before it was too much and plopped down, "P'Kao, are you okay?"

Damn it! Kao grimaced, he had wanted to get him to just push his cock all the way in and start moving but he underestimated Ohm's size and his tolerance for pain.

He can only be patient...

Kao nonchalantly told Ohm, "Yeah, fine, keep going," even though internally he was screaming bloody murder.

His ego hurts from letting that smug junior of his fuck him.

His cock was starting to hurt from the excessive teasing even though he had already came once.

And now his hole hurts because that bastard is too big to go into him in one go.

Why can't anything go right?

Why can't it be easy?

While Kao moped, Ohm held still until he felt his P'Kao relax again.

Even though his P'Kao had told him that he could take it, he didn't rush. Ohm moved Kao back on his knees before proceeding further, the movements were small, he only pushed in when he felt the older loosen up. He was as gentle as he could be, grinding little by little until he was no longer able to bury himself any further into his P'Kao.

He didn't immediately start moving even though his cock was squeezed and screaming for him to pump into the tight ass in front of him. Ohm bucked lightly, testing out different angles and motions to see which ones could give his P'Kao the most pleasure.

Kao made sure to not make as much as a peep, he bit on his knuckle as Ohm made all sorts of little movements driving him insane. He doesn't want to let the younger know that he is enjoying it up the ass, especially not because he's turned on by his huge pulsating cock invading his body!

That is until Ohm hit something inside that made him involuntarily groan.

The only time that he had bottomed, his partner was not skilled enough to find that spot so he had never experienced it being poked, this time though, Ohm found it and he continuously ground into it.

When he made the sound, it was like it's what Ohm was waiting for...he kept on going there...


Kao pushed his face into the pillow to hide, the feeling of having such a thick rod in him continuously stabbing at the little spot made him want to scream but he cannot give that smug fox the satisfaction of knowing that he's pleasing him that extent.

He must pretend like it's just everyday normal sex.

This act, it's just to get rid of his curiosity.

Just to try to get a good night's sleep.

He'll be able to keep quiet, he's sure of it.

No matter how Kao tried to hide it, Ohm knew he had found what he was looking for, he had slowly prodded to get his P'Kao use to it. He thought if he was gentle, the little moans would come sooner or later but minutes into it, his P'Kao only gave a little groan and tiny grunt.

He wasn't sure if his P'Kao didn't feel it or if he didn't go deep enough, so all he could do was push in further and go at it harder.

Ohm grabbed Kao's butt to spread him a little more, pulled halfway out then went right back in at that angle.

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