Ohm rubbed his hair dry and checked his six-pack out as he pondered if he should hit the gym. His index finger poked the lowest abs to test the firmness; he's supposed to go every day for a few hours to maintain his physique but today, it's going to be too difficult to concentrate.
After what had happened the day before and what he had just fantasized about...
If he power lifts and the barbell with the weight plates gets too heavy...
He would have to put them on...
The spotter arms...
Those strong legs...
His P'Kao's clenching ass...
Squeezing his cock as he enters...
That beautiful flexing chest...
Erect nipples...
In perfect position for him to pinch...
Mirrors all around, he will be able to see his P'Kao's face as he goes in, inch by inch; would he slightly wince or pleasurably gasp?
Or yell at him to hurry it up and go all the way instead of teasing him?
Ohm swallowed hard, his mind is still stuck on his P'Kao, spread and hung on the half rack.
Maybe he can avoid the free weights area of the gym and just do some cardio?
The image of his P'Kao, heaving, trying to breathe in between their heated kisses...
How would he sound when he's exhausted because of the...strenuous exercises...
Ohm gave a slight chuckle then bit his bottom lip as he thought about how many rounds they could potentially go for, at a minimum, three, how about the maximum?
Okay, never mind, skip the cardio, how about yoga, there is no equipment there, it wouldn't make him out of breath, just stretching and balancing.