UWMA - Let Him Think It's KaoOhm - Part 03 - It's Just An Indirect Kiss
Happy Monday!
I hope your week is filled with BL smut!
Ohm turned back to Fluke and put his arm around his N'Shorty partner's shoulder for the fans but what he was seriously concentrated on was his next killing-shot on the other on-screen couple's hubby.
He pulled out the itinerary as MC Jennie continued her questions.
Ohm glanced at the little piece of paper that was provided to them before the start of the event. They've done the singing and dancing, being questioned by MC Jennie now, next is...
--Pepero Challenge--
That's not a bad game to play but too obvious if he does anything out of line and likely it'll be a couple's game so he won't have a chance to be partnered with his P'Kao.
Although, even if it's not a couple's challenge, they're promoting Until We Meet Again after all and being recorded. He can't be too transparent, there are many OhmFluke and KaoEarth fans too. He can't blatantly disregard their feelings.
Plus, no matter how subtle, he's not sure if he can hide his intentional acts when all those cell phones are filming his every move.
And he definitely can't just eat the little chocolate pretzel stick until their lips touch. It's not realistic and he's sure his P'Kao might punch him if he does something so stupid.
Even if he doesn't get punched, his manager will have a riot...
The production team will have a riot...
Fluke and Earth might have a riot, granted it's more of a, "We knew it! We were right!" riot...
Although, the fans would be cheering...
Ohm thought about it for a second more before deciding that it wasn't the smartest move.
Next on the list.
--What Would You Put On Your Partner?--
Ohm looked at the words again and gave a look of disbelief. Take it off is more like it, why would he want to put additional things on that provocative body and cover it up?
Well, maybe in front of fans, but if they're alone...
Although, bunny ears and a tail might not be too bad...but he doesn't look like a bunny. Too plain. His P'Kao is more like a red panda. Yes, that's it, the rare red-bear-cat escape artist who avoided all his advances the last year and a half, cute when he wants to be but ferocious when threatened.
Ohm's imagination jumped to a semi-naked Kao with furry red ears and a bushy tail, that's absolutely night-time-happy material.
What he would give to see his P'Kao dressed like that, just the thought is making him sweat.
Though, he knows there's no way his P' would agree to something like that, especially not in front of him.
Even if he's fully dressed and just the ears, it's likely not going to happen...publically or privately.
Ohm gave a small sigh and read on.
--Q & A From The Audience--
Generally planned and couple based...he has to play his part as the stoic yet loving boyfriend who'd do anything for his beloved N'Pharm.

Let Him Think It's KaoOhm
FanfictionFanFiction. Ghost Ship. Ohm x Kao Smut warning. Mature warning. 18+ warning. NSFW warning. Please read the Disclaimer.