09 - Who's The Better Kisser?

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UWMA - Let Him Think It's KaoOhm - Part 09 - Who's The Better Kisser?

Day one, the Star Cat-Walk event.

Kao trudged in knowing they were going to make him and Ohm partner up but he didn't think it was going to be for all the outfits. They even changed up the order so that they'd be the show's opener and closers.

Backstage was hectic during the show as there was limited space and everyone ran around to get into the next outfit before it's their turn to queue back up. There were no private stalls as it's too inconvenient to help each other zip and check, the models basically walked around half-naked in front of each other. They're used to it, Kao's used to it and so is Ohm, besides, it's not like they really take everything off. The females generally have strapless bras or nipple pasties and thongs on and the guys, boxers or briefs.

Though, today was a bit different, while Kao had on a pair of silky silver boxers, he felt naked as can be.

He and Ohm are partners so every time he changed an outfit, so did the younger, and each time, he felt it, foxy eyes looking him up and down.

What's worse, he couldn't stop his gaze from landing on Ohm who was also wearing silky boxers, but black.

He had always known Ohm is built, how could he not, the guy is even taller than him, shoulders a little more broad and arms a little more defined, the guy is overall a slightly bigger version of himself, though not his chest, his chest is definitely not as beefy as his.

Kao's thoughts went a bit further south...would he be slightly more impressive...bigger than him in that respect too?


Damn it, he's not thinking about his cock because he wants to know or wants to do anything with it, he's a guy, he just wants to compare to see who's more well endowed!

That's totally normal!

It's an ego thing, he's not coveting after his N's penis!

Not at all!

It's annoying to fathom that he'd be second place in that aspect too since he's pretty sure he's well above average...he's been told many times.

His exes and flings had all gasped when they saw him for the first time...

They had asked him not to hurt or destroy them...

They always asked him to be gentle...

And of course, he always made sure to be as kind to them as possible.

He always prepared them, he's a great top, the perfect partner and an even better boyfriend!

Kao faintly shook his head twice, no way!!!

Stop thinking like that!

Though no matter how many times he told himself not to think or look, it was like Ohm's body is a gigantic piece of magnet and his eyes were made of metal.

Kao's gaze turned towards Ohm time after time, his eyes travelled down from the pecs to the inguinal line...the jerk has the same V as him but not as prominent.

Kao smiled, well, at least he wins in that respect.

Still interested, again his disobedient orbs went lower and lower. He couldn't tell, like him, they're both wearing loose boxers...but he could see the outline...he's probably the same or about the same as him?

The one with the slightly bigger chest had thought he was subtle but Ohm caught his line-of-sight.

The corner of Ohm's mouth lifted up, his teasing nature couldn't be contained, a hand went to his crotch, grabbed the package and very slowly adjusted the position.

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