28 - Ohm's Punishment (NSFW)

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UWMA - Let Him Think It's KaoOhm - Part 28 - Ohm's Punishment (NSFW)


K: P'!!! Why?!!!

PS_143: You said to make you less of a jerk

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PS_143: You said to make you less of a jerk.

K: But I didn't ask for the stupid fox to dump me!

PS_143: I did what you wanted!

PS_143: .·'¯'(>▂<)'¯'·.

PS_143: I can't re-write the whole story because of one bunny picture.

K: You did it when the stupid fox sent his daddy bear picture.

PS_143: Coincidence. It just so happened to be like that.

K: Lies.

K: You just like him more.

K: You just like bears more.

K: You just like bears more

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PS_143: It's not me. Don't you know who my Editor is?!

PS_143: If you've forgotten, go back to Chapter 1.



Please refer back to Chapter 8 for a picture of Ohm's bedroom and that shower ^_^


Remember, everything is very sturdy.

Also, Ohm is very strong!


Shamelessly and immorally yours,




Fervent kisses rained on Kao's face, down his neck, to his chest, he didn't expect such a greeting. That kind of aggressiveness, it made him want to fight back, yet, kind of made him want to let Ohm do as he pleases.

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