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Pandavas Family.

Yudhistira - Eldest Pandava and king of Indraprasta.

Bheem - Second pandava and yuvaraj of Indraprasta.

Arjuna - Third pandava and senapati of Indraprasta.

Nakula - Fourth pandava and prince of Indraprasta.

Sahadev - Youngest pandava also twin of Nakula and prince of Indraprasta.

Draupadi - Wife of Pandavas and Queen of Indraprasta.

Devikaa - Wife of Yudhistira

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Devikaa - Wife of Yudhistira.( princess of shivi)

Yaudheya - Son Yudistira and Devikaa.

Prathivindya - Son of Yudhistira and Draupadi.

Suthanu - daughter of Yudhistira and Draupadi and wife of Bhanu.

Hidimbaa - Wife of Bheem.

Ghatothkach - Son bheem and Hidimbaa .

Ahilawati/ Mourvi - wife of Ghatothkach.

Barbareek - son of Ghatothkach

Valandharaa - Wife of Bheem .

Sarvaga - Son of bheem and Valandharaa.

Sutasom - Son of bheem and Draupadi .

Karenumati - Wife of Nakula .

Niramitra - Son of Nakula and Karenumati

Satanika - son of Nakula and Draupadi.

Vijaya - Wife of Sahadev.

Suhotra - Son of Sahadev and Vijaya.

Shruthasena - Son of Sahadev and Draupadi.

Subhadra - Wife of Arjuna and princess of Dwaraka and sister of balraam and krishna.

Subhadra - Wife of Arjuna and princess of Dwaraka and sister of balraam and krishna

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Shrutakarma - Son of Arjuna and Draupadi.

Abhimanyu - Son of Arjuna and Subhadra. ( male protogonist)

Krishna - Lord of Dwaraka

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Krishna - Lord of Dwaraka. Brother of Balraam and Subhadra. Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Balraam - Incarnation of Sheshnaag.
Elder brother of Krishna and Subhadra.

Revati - Wife of Balraam.

Astabharya - Eight queens of Lord Krishna ( Rukmini , Satyabhama , Jambhavati , Kalindi , Nagnajiti , Mitravinda , Bhadra , and Madra)

Nisatha - Son of Balraam and Revati

Ulmuka - second son of Balraam and Revati.

Pradyuman- son of Krishna and Rukmini.

Bhanu - Son of Krishna and Satyabhama.

Samba - son of Krishna and Jambhavati.

Subhahu - son of Krishna and Kalindi.

Charumati - Eldest daughter of Krishna and Rukmini.

Vatsala/ Shashireakha - Daughter of Balraam and Revati. ( Female protogonist)

Dhuryodhan - Son of Dhritharastra and Gandhari

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Dhuryodhan - Son of Dhritharastra and Gandhari. Eldest Kaurava.

Dussasan - Second kaurava.

Bhanumati - Wife of Dhuryodhan.

Lakshman kumar - son of Dhuryodhan and Bhanumati. ( antagonist)

Lakshmanaa - Daughter of Dhuryodhan and Bhanumati also twin of Lakshman kumar.

Shakuni - King of Gandhar and Brother of Gandhari.

Karna - Best friend of Dhuryodhan. king of Ang and first born of kunti.

Vrishasen - Son of Karna.

These are the characters of this story.

(Present scenario of the story

The dreadful dyut sabha have sent the pandavas to vanvas . All pandavapatnis along their sons have left for their fathers kingdoms. The upapandavas left for panchal.

Like wise Subhadra also left for dwaraka with krishna carrying Abhimanyu in her womb after pandavas retire for the forest.

Events of Hastinapur not only destroyed the happiness of Indraprasta also dwaraka as witnessing the fate of their dear princess. )

Hope u liked it.....

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so i will continue only after knowing your opinion on the story.

Cover credits Arafisabu thank you soo much for this wonderful cover ❤

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