pretty brown eyes

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Charlotte hated mornings. She couldn't think of anything worse than having to force herself to get out of her warm bed, only to have to face reality as soon as she walked down stairs.

Her dad passed away around 3 years ago. She could hear her mother Margaret on the phone down stairs. Margaret was probably on the phone screaming at one of her "boyfriends" for money. Incase you haven't figured it out yet Margaret was an addict. Charlotte had no idea where her little brothers were but there rooms were empty so she figured they had just left for school early.

Charlotte quickly showered and rushed around the house while putting on her makeup and uniform. She refused to be late to school on the first day back.

She arrived at the bus stop just in time. Her hair was still up in a messy bun from her shower earlier on. She let her hair down and combed her fingers through it. She didn't have to worry about how she looked on the way to her bus stop. Her street didn't have any other kids living on it. There was just a bunch of old married couples. So she was the only one that ever got on the bus from her stop.

By the time she got on the bus only half the seats were full by then. It was always the older, popular kids at the back and the opposite of them at the front. She always sat in the same seat in the middle of the bus on the right, next to the window.

Charlotte hated school. She went to a public school and had over 100 other kids in her year. It didn't take long for more kids to hop onto the bus. The most popular girls in her year Bianca and Katherine who were sat at the very back.

A girl swung into the seat beside her, making Charlotte glance away from looking out the window. It was Madi, her best friend. "you will never guess who messaged me last night!!" Madi said "who" Charlotte replied intrigued. Madi and Charlotte had been best friends since year 1. They have gone through the whole of their school lives together and Charlotte even moved in with Madi's family at one point for a couple weeks after her dad passed away. That's how close they were. The two could tell each other anything. Madi was the opposite in appearance of Charlotte. She had brown eyes and dark brown hair compared to Charlotte's blonde hair and blue eyes.

Eventually a group of boys got on the bus. Charlotte hardly payed any attention to the kids in her year but she remembered these boys. They were handsome, dressed in the school uniform with there blazers and ties. Her eyes wondered to the back studying one of the boys. He had brown, curtain styled kind of hair and he was tall and lanky. He had the prettiest brown eyes she had ever seen, so pretty that she found herself getting lost in them. She had a few classes with him. Out of all the kids in her year that she barely knew the names of she remembered his. Louis.

She forced herself to look away, and plugged one of her headphones in her right ear. She turned her music up just enough so that she could listen to Madi and her music at the same time.

The bus pulled up at the school ten minutes before the first bell. Charlotte went to her locker, pulling her books out to prepare for her first class. "What do we have first?" Madi asked. The bell rang just as Charlotte closed her locker. "English" Charlotte said. "Ugh great" Madi replied. English was Madi's least favourite subject but for Charlotte it was the opposite. Charlotte loved English it was the only class of the day that she actually enjoyed. She loved reading and writing, it was one of her passions.

The rest of the day was dragged on. The bad thing about having her favourite subject as the first class on a Monday was that the rest of the day was the most boring thing she ever had to experience.

hi everyone! i hope you enjoyed the first chapter of ASFOS. I will try and upload the next chapter as soon as i can.
i hope you all have a lovely day!

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