his story

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SATURDAY, NOV 4th, 2020

It was quiet in Louis's bedroom, it was early in the morning and his dad had already gone out so the house was empty apart from Charlotte and him.
It was dark in Louis's room, apart from the light that shined between the curtains on his window. He was tracing his fingers across Charlotte's hand. She was lying in his chest and his arms were wrapped around her, holding her tightly. The walls in his room were all white and plain, except for one corner in his room where he had stacked all of his canvas and paintings, next to his desk.

Louis was meant to go to the park with his mates this morning but he immediately ditched those plans as soon as he found out she wanted to see him. The boys would probably be pissed at him for choosing her over them. But he couldn't bring himself to leave her side. Every moment he spent with her was well cherished, even if she was just lying in his arms.
Something about her just stuck in his head like a song on repeat, he didn't know if it was the way the two had countless things in common or the way that she looked at him like he put the stars in the sky.

Even though Charlotte hated mornings, which she had told him as soon as she saw him earlier that morning, her hair thrown up in a messy bun and her under eye bags dark with sleeplessness. All Louis could do was watch her in awe. He began to press his face into the crook of her neck.  She giggled, trying to shake him off. "Your breath tickles."  "Hmm, does it?" he teased. Laughing, she rolled away from him, forcing his arms to fall away from their position around her.  His smile shortly turned into a frown. "Come back."  He said. "I'm pretty happy over here." she said sitting on the edge of the bed "Charlotte."  "Louis."  He let out a fake growl of frustration, then reached forward and wrapped his arms around her waist once again, so they fell back onto the bed together.

She was laughing again, the sound of it made him happy, she didn't laugh like that enough, without any sadness or fear of judgement.  Then he kissed her, first her cheek then her lips. He loved that feeling even more.  Her body melted into his, one hand running through his hair and the other around his neck. She was sat on his lap, her legs around his torso. His hands were on her waist, slowly sliding underneath her back. She felt so goddamn fragile, like if he made one wrong move she would shatter into a million pieces. He worried about her, although he didn't often show it. The fear of it made him hold her tighter.  Louis wasn't sure if this meant he was allowed to kiss her whenever he wanted. He wasn't sure if they were friends or a thing or even more. He had no idea what she wanted. All that mattered was that she was with him.

"Louis," she whispered against his mouth. "Louis, stop."  He frowned and pulled back a few inches, releasing her from his grip. "Is something wrong?"  "No," she laughed quietly, shaking her head. "Then what is it?" He looked into her eyes. "Are you okay?"  "I'm fine," she said. "but I think Johnathan wants to see you. He's at your door."  "Oh," he said, as she got off of him. His cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment. "Shit. Just, uh one sec, okay?" Charlotte nodded, smiling softly as Louis stood up and hurried out, closing the door behind him. 

"Sorry man" Louis said as Johnathan leaned against the wall in the hallway. "What is it bro?" Louis asked. "I was just gonna see if you changed your mind about wanting to come play football with us but it looks like you have company." Johnathan said slightly giggling. "Yeah man, i'm sorry for ditching you guys it's just i had already invited her over-" "no man don't worry it's all good, I'll see you Monday at school" Johnathan said. "Yeah see you on Monday" Louis said as Johnathan walked back down stairs and out the door.

When Louis opened the door and walked back into his room Charlotte was stood there, she had taken her long blonde hair out of a bun and it now hung down past her shoulders. She was examining all his art, suddenly she picked up a drawing Louis had drawn. On it was a sketch of a girl and the background was the night sky. The girl looked very familiar, she looked up at him as a massive smile formed across her face. "I drew that after the night at the park" he said shyly. "Louis.. it's beautiful." "You can keep it if you want" he said his eyes focused on her and nothing else in the room. She shook her head, "no you should keep it, as something to remind you of me." He smiled brightly as she placed the photo back on his desk and began observing the other paintings in the room.

"Every artist has a story you know" she said to him. "What's yours?" she asked. "I was angry, dark, i didn't feel safe and didn't know what to do about it" he paused for a moment. "But that was all until I met you." he said looking into her eyes. She looked back at him, her smile so bright that she could light up the city after dark. She leaned in, her lips latching onto his and kissed him softly once again.

This was probably my favourite chapter yet to write. I hope you all enjoyed 🤍

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