are you even worth it

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TUESDAY, OCT 31st, 2020

She couldn't stop thinking about him. It had been 3 weeks since they had last spoken, but still she couldn't get the thought of him out of her head. And that terrified the fuck out of her. There was a part of her that wished she hadn't left, that she'd stayed longer and looked at more of his books and maybe even asked him to paint something for her. There was a part of her that wondered if he was thinking about her too but she couldn't let it get to her head she had to take care of River and Eli, she had to keep being strong for them. She had stayed away from him since their argument 21 days ago, and she hadn't messaged him once. Sometimes she would see him walking around school or laughing about something with his mates, and she'd wonder what he was thinking about, laughing about. She wondered if she meant anything to him at all, or if the way he acted around her was the way he acted around every girl.

She had chosen to walk to school rather than catch the bus and see him. She had been given way too many detentions due to being late but still she didn't want to see him. It made things easier. Her best friend Madi had noticed her strange behaviour long before she started getting detentions regularly but after Charlotte refused to tell her what happened she decided to just leave her be. That was one of the things she appreciated about her friendship with Madi, she knew when to give her space.

The next morning it was snowing, so finally for the first time in 3 weeks, she decided to catch the bus. She kept her head down the whole time, avoiding eye contact with everyone. Determined not to catch his.

Less than five minutes later, Madi swung into the seat next to her "God, I've missed catching the bus with you," she said. "I've had to sit up the front by myself" she continued "Howcome you didn't sit here?" Charlotte asked questioning her. "Louis usually sits here by himself and whenever the boys try to get him to sit at the back he just ignores them." Madi replied. Charlotte just turned away staring out the window like she usually did.

She was completely zoned out until she saw a familiar figure walk onto the bus. Without even thinking about it her eyes studied him as he looked back at her with his pretty brown eyes and smiled. Part of her wanted to run up and hug him but the other part of her wanted to scream. I should've just walked she thought to herself. She sat there staring out the window, with both headphones in on full volume thinking to herself about how she could be anything in the world, yet wanted to be his. And for a second she wondered if he was thinking about her too.

The truth was he was. Her name was stuck in his head like the lyrics of a song. She had been on his mind like a reoccurring loop since the moment he watched her walk out the door. Every part of him regretted letting her go. He wondered if he could ever make things between them right again.

He was tired almost falling asleep at the back of the bus while his mates messed around. He hadn't slept in weeks. Not since he had lost her.
He missed her more than anything. That night the two fell asleep on his couch and she was in his arms, was the best night sleep he'd had in forever. He wasn't sure about it yet but when he was with her that night the countess sleepless nights before had stopped. She was completely unexplainable to him. He thought she was just some basic girl, but once he got to know her, he realised she was so much more. She was crazy, she was funny, she was honest and the thing he loved the most about her was that he never knew what she would do next.

When he got onto the bus and saw her he was surprised. He'd usually sit in their seat alone and turn down everyone that tried to sit in her spot next to the window. When he made eye contact with her it was powerful, the two hadn't even looked at each other in 3 weeks. When he looked at her he smiled hoping that maybe she'd smile back but she just looked back out the window ignoring the fact that it had even happened. It hurt him. Seeing her act like he didn't exist. It shattered him on the inside but he wouldn't show it. He wasn't one to reveal much about himself to others but when he was with her it was different. It was almost as if she had softened him.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for being patient, next one will be up soon!

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