countless tears

437 13 1

SATURDAY, NOV 18th 2020

As Charlotte walked home as then sun began to set, she could hear the sound of shouting as she walked up to her doorstep. "you little bastard" she heard Margaret shout as she walked through the door. When she entered she was greeted by the sight of Elliot crying while sitting at the bottom of the stairs "what's going on" Charlotte said kneeling in front of her youngest brother. "Margaret..she just snapped, we were just about to go to play football and she went ballistic." Charlotte quickly got up, walking into the living room. When she walked in Margaret's hand was raised, ready to hit River who was right in front of her. "Don't touch him you bitch" Charlotte screamed before running in-front of her little brother. "Oh and if it isn't the little slut." "Where the fuck do you think you have been." Margaret said. Charlotte could smell the strong scent of alcohol on her. "I hate you." Charlotte screamed. "You know you're such a shitty mum." "You've done nothing for us since dad died, nothing." Charlotte could tell that what she had said pissed Margaret right off by the look on her face. "You are such a spoilt piece of shit, I tried my best with you kids." Margaret's expression turned to one of unadulterated rage, and she spun, using her tight grip on Charlotte's arm to throw her into the coffee table. The glass surface shattered under Charlotte's weight, breaking noisily, violently, into pieces as it smashed. Charlotte's arms instinctively flew up to protect her face as she made impact; the shards serrated them instead, cutting easily through the woolen sleeves of her jumper to tear her skin. In an instant, She could feel the sharp, searing burn of pain across her legs, her back, everywhere, from hundreds of tiny pieces of glass, and the cool wetness of blood beading across her hot skin, dampening the sleeves of her jumper and staining them with blood. Charlotte couldn't move or even do so much as to cry out. Her legs felt weak and unsteady beneath her. If Margaret regretted the shattering of the table which had been quite nice, and extremely expensive she didn't show it. She just stood there looking carelessly at the figure lying there on the floor. River opened his mouth to respond, but all that came out was a scream that echoed throughout the house. "What have you done" he cried as he walked closer to the shattered glass where his sister was lying. Margaret stood there in shock for a moment before grabbing her keys and running out the house.

The last thing Charlotte heard was the front door slamming with a bang, and she was left laying there, bleeding, crying, unable to move on the ruined carpet. Suddenly her eyes began to feel heavy and before she knew it.

Everything was gone.

As soon as Margaret had left Elliot ran into the living room and up to his older brother. "I've gotta call an ambulance" River said without any hesitation. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialled the number.

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