you've lost me forever

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SATURDAY, NOV 18th 2020

She lay limp in front of him, tucked beneath the hospital sheets, her skin white as snow. If it wasn't for the beeping of the monitor, Louis would almost have thought she was dead. You could hardly even tell she was breathing.  He had cried himself out completely a long time ago, until there was nothing left in him, and now he just felt numb. He clutched her scarred, cold hand between both of his, but it was lifeless.

There were tears on his cheeks again.  Until suddenly a hand touched him on the shoulder. "Lou" she said breathing heavily, still trying to figure out what was going on. "Hey Charlotte" he said quietly. "What-what are you doing here" she said. "I- i came as soon as I heard." he replied "But why" charlotte said. "what do you mean why" he said. "You broke my heart. I can't just forget everything that's happened."
"I know. And i'm sorry. I-" "sorry can't fix this Louis, "I trusted you. And you used it against me." she said cutting him off. "Charlotte I didn't mean it, I love you.. you know I do" "no" she said beginning to choke on her words. "no" "you don't love me." "you're a liar." "you had your chance and you still let me walk out the door." she said. "you don't mean that" he said as a tear began to fall down his cheek. She sat there for a minute trying to figure out what to say. She loved him too but she would never admit it. She couldn't trust him. Not anymore. "yes." "yes i do" "i hate you for what you did to me." She cried. He sat there, he didn't know what to say. At that moment had regretted it all. Breaking her heart was the worst thing he'd ever had to do. he didn't even realise until now that he had broken his own too. "Could you please leave." She said quietly. She didn't want him to see her cry, to know how deep he had truly hurt her. Although she had already began too. He nodded before standing up from his chair and walking out, not even looking back once. He wasn't sure how he felt. He wasn't sure he felt anything at all. A frustrated, angry noise escaped his mouth. He wanted to tear his hair out. He wanted to hit something. When he got outside the hospital, he slammed his fist into the brick wall outside and felt his knuckles scream and start to bleed. They began to ache, even as his fingers turned numb.

"Charlotte" River said as he entered the room, Eli following behind him. "Hey Riv" she said before leaning up to hug him. Eli climbed up and sat on the bed next to her. "Hello you." She said before wrapping her arms around her youngest brother. "Margaret. She's gone. Did a runner as soon as Louis came to the hospital and scared her off." "Good" Charlotte said. The three sat there for awhile trying to take there minds off what had happened, talking about everything but there mother. "Charlotte." "What are we gonna do." "You can't leave us with her. please. you can't." River cried. "I'm scared of her." He whispered. "Don't worry okay." "I've been doing some thinking and now that- now that I'm eighteen, it means i could adopt you both. But I don't want you getting your hopes up, i'm gonna need to get permission from margaret and it's gonna take a lot of convincing." "But i won't be leaving until then okay" she said reassuring them.

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