Chapter 7

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 8, 2020. I've been trying to work out some plot points in this, and I feel like these past few chapters have been kinda bland. I promise that everything will start picking up. Starting now. But in the meantime, let me know what you guys think. Would you have any reccomendations? I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

August 30th

Y/n slips into her pajamas and grabs her headphones. Sitting on the cushioned windowsill of her bay window, she pops her headphones in and begins softly playing some music. 

The stars twinkle above the pine forest. Y/n leans forward and pushes the window open. She breathes in crisp mountain air. Grasshoppers chirps ring out, and rustling is heard from the forest. She leans her head back and lets her other scents take over. 

"Y/n," a voice says. Y/n's eyes snap open and she sees Jasper. 

"Hi, Jas," she greets in a sleeply voice. She turns to look out the window again. "Isn't Forks beautiful?"

He nods and smiles a little. "It is, darlin."

"I wish the woods were safe enough that I could just live out there." She shrugs. "Technically I could, but I'd need a weapon. And actual survival skills." She laughs.

Jasper's face gets serious. "It's dangerous out there. Promise me you won't go out there at night, or go too deep in the woods."

Y/n gets confused. "Is this my subconcious warning me?"


"I can't believe I'm making a promise to a dream. If I break it, it's just breaking a promise to myself!"

Jasper's eyes flash with urgency. Y/n squints. "O-ok. I promise."

He nods. "Good."

She could wander over the line, and now she smells like me. The wolves would be all over her. Besides, we haven't been back in years. There might be new nomad vampires, he thinks to himself.

When he looks back at Y/n, her eyes are closed, and her head is resting on her shoulder. He smiles at her and takes out her headphones. Picking her up, he places her in her bed, much like last night. 

Quickly, he kisses the top of her head, stroking her hair. He races out the window and runs into the woods, heading back up the mountain to go back home.

Y/n opens her eyes and sits up, looking out the window. She inhales deeply, touching her head where he kissed her. There was 1 thing she was absolutely certain about now:

She was not dreaming.


August 31st (Day Before School Starts)

The sun shines through Y/n's window. Birds happy chirp and the sound of childrens laughter can be heard. Y/n takes her computer and sits in the bay window. 

Her fingers hover over the keys. "Where would I even start?" She asks herself. She opens a Google Document and selects Bulletpoints. 

"Ok. I know that he is cold, almost freezing to the touch. He's really pale. He has super speed, and I've rarely seen him in daylight." Her fingers fly over the keys, recording this. Y/n wracks her brain. "It seems familiar."

Closing her laptop, she smooths her hair out. "I'll come back to it."

Heading downstairs, she finds her parents reading on the couch. They are massive nerds. Maybe they can help me, Y/n thinks. 

She plops down on the couch beside them. "Hey guys, I have a question."

They look at each other and put their books down. "Sure, sweetie," M/n says.

"I'm studying for... Social Studies," she begins. "And there was a question about mytholigical beings. I was wondering if you guys can help me with it?"

F/n grins at her. "You've come to the right place. What's the question?"

Y/n blanks. "Um. It gave us the description and asked us to name it. The description was pale, cold, and fast."

F/n strokes his chin. "That, my dear, sounds like the one. The only. Count Dracula."

"A vampire?!" Y/n yells.

M/n and F/n give her a peculiar look. "Yes, a vampire. You don't need to shout, pumpkin."

"Sorry, I just really thought it was something else," Y/n lies through her teeth. 

M/n looks at her oddly. "O-ok. Alright then."

Y/n runs up the stairs and shuts her door, panting. There's no way vampires are real. They are just fiction. The stuff of fairy tales. They don't exist. Y/n is just dreaming. 

As Y/n goes throughout her day, her thoughts are occupied by Jasper. If he was a vampire... it would explain a lot of things. Why he just showed up randomly. His speed, pastiness, and temperature. But it raises more questions than answers.

Where did he come from? Is he alone? Don't vampires drink blood? Why is he watching me? Why hasn't he killed me yet? Why are his eyes gold? Why is he Southern? If he is immortal, how old is he?

Finally, the sun hangs low in the sky and Y/n decides to wait for Jasper to show up. Now that she knows she isn't dreaming, she won't have to try to fall asleep. Just close her eyes and wait for it. 

And that's what she does. Within 15 minutes, she hears him enter her room. Y/n feels his golden eyes on her. Pretending to yawn, her eyes flutter open.

"Oh, hi, Jas," she greets.

"Hi, darlin. How was your day?"

"Oh, it was cool. I did some research of mythological creatures."

"Oh, yeah? Which ones?"

Y/n makes eye contact but keeps a cool facade. "Vampires," she says calmly. Jasper pales more, if that is even possible.

"V-vampires?" He stutters.

Y/n nods. "Mhm. Turns out, they're really cool. They have really pale skin, drink blood, and are freezing cold. I'm still looking into more information."

Jasper gulps nervously. "That's nice." His voice cracks.

Y/n stands up and slowly walks over to him, crossing her arms. "So would you care to give me more facts?"

"How would I know?"

Y/n laughs. "Because you're a vampire, Jasper."

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