Chapter 9

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 14, 2020. I wasn't planning on shifting today, but I wanted to test the beginning of it and the symptoms that people describe. The Raven Method is one of the most common and easiest, so I just tried it. I got to 20 when the tips of my fingers and toes started tingling and I felt a pressure on my chest. It was the weirdest feeling and kinda scared me.

Y/n leans back on the couch. "Wow. That's intense."

"It was a lot, but I wouldn't have it any other way. If any part of it was different, it's unlikely I would have had Renesmee," Bella says.

"Any other questions?" Jasper asks. 

"You said something about Jacob and Renesmee?"

"Oh, right. Um, not only to vampires exist, but werewolves do as well. And Jacob, and most of the people on the Reservation are werewolves. That's why I told you to be careful. We have a treaty with them, a line of territory that we can't pass. Now that you have my scent all over you, crossing the line would mean war."

A pressure on Y/n's head washes over her like a wave. "Wow, okay."

"I understand this is a lot to handle. Let me get you some water, Y/n," Carlisle says.

"I feel very thankful that you all are so nice. I feel very welcome."

"You are Jasper's mate," Rosalie says.

Y/n shrugs awkwardly. "I know, but I told him I want to take things slowly. Also, I know that he was with Alice for a really long time, and I don't want to cause any rifts between you all."

Esme steps forward. "The fact that you care about us that much eliminated any possible rifts."

"I just don't want to be a home-wrecker."

"You're not, sweetie," Alice assures. Carlisle returns and hands Y/n some water. 

"Thank you. So, what do you all do? I mean, you don't sleep, so what are you doing?"

"Well, because Renesmee is still half-human, she sleeps, so we do quiet activities or feed," Edward explains. 

"That makes sense. And your eyes are gold because you only feed off animal blood. Red eyes mean human blood."

The vampires nod. "If you ever come across a stranger, look at their eyes and it will tell you if they are human, a vampire, or a vegetarian vampire."

Y/n nods. "Do you guys have bedrooms?"

"Of course. It's mainly just a private space," Jas explains. 

"Bella and Edward are the only ones that use the bed," Emmett says with a smirk. Rosalie flicks him.

"Shut up!"

Y/n snickers. "I love the family dynamic. It's very warm."

"They are annoying," Edward grimaces, "But I love them. These are my siblings."

"It took me a while to fit in," Bella begins, playfully glaring at Rosalie, who snickers in response, "but this is my family. Now that Charlie is dead, they are all I have."

Y/n lowers her head. "I'm sorry about him, by the way."

"It's okay."

"I'm going to show her my room," Jasper says, gently taking Y/n's hand. They begin to climb the stairs when Emmett calls after them.

"Don't break her!"

Y/n whips around and shoots him a dirty look. He laughs boisterously.

She looks at a large frame of graduation caps. "Is that- Are those real?"

Jasper gulps. "Sadly, yes."

"That's actually kinda clever."

He pushes open the door to a contrasted room. There are lots of blacks and whites, but no real personality. There is a neatly made bed in the center.

"Wow, Jasper, I didn't know you had so much personality," Y/n comments sarcastically.

"Yeah, thanks."

She looks at him. "You do realize I'm going to redecorate this, right?"

His eyes widen. "No, you're not."

She grins at him. "Yes, I am. And you can't stop me."

"I'm a vampire."

"And I'm a woman. I win." With a triumphant look, she flops back on his bed. Her eyes widen and she moves around. "This is the nicest fricking mattress I've ever felt. I'm moving in."

Jasper lays down beside her and looks into her e/c eyes. "Ok."

"Wanna cuddle?" Y/n offers.

Before Jasper can respond she flips their bodies so that they are laying properly and looking out the window. She dips under his arm and rests her head on his chest. His arm tightens around her body and holds her. 

"That's cute," Bella's voice rings out from the doorway.

"Let her sleep, Bella," Jasper says softly. "She has school tomorrow."

Y/n snuggles in closer to his chest. "Wake me up soon."


The sun was just beginning to rise when Jasper nudges Y/n awake. "Darling, I've gotta get you back home. You've got school today."

She groans and cocoons herself again. He laughs and picks her up. She drops all of her dead weight. "That won't affect me. I'm a vampire, in case you forgot."

"How could I?" She grumbles. "I want your shirt."


"I want one of your shirts. You smell really good."

He laughs softly to himself and grabs a flannel button-up from his closet. "There. You happy now, darling?"

Y/n smiles up at him and cuddles the shirt as he speeds through the woods and up her window. 

She holds her breath but relaxes when he sets her down on her bed. 

"Thank you for everything, Jas."

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