Chapter 3

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is September 29, 2020. I hope that you all are doing well. My most popular book, "I Want What I Deserve" just hit 2k! My second most popular book, "Fued", just hit 1.7k, and my 3rd most popular book, "Reality" just hit 1.1k. I am beyond honored that people are taking the time to read my stories and fall in love with them. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

Y/n smiles to herself as she drives through the thick green trees. Her visit with her friends had gone extremely well, and she was now anticipating the beginning of her Senior year at Forks High School. 

Maybe Mac was right; she might fall in love this year. 

Y/n hopes. 

She is quickly jolted out of her thoughts when a large wolf jumps in front of her car. Knowing better than to swerve and hit one of the many trees, she slams the brakes and holds her head away from the steering wheel as best as she can.

The wolf runs off the road and disappears into the trees. Y/n collects herself. She might have a slight bruise on her head, but other than that she's ok.

"I know that I did not just imagine that," she whispers to herself.

Y/n sets off back into town to head to the police station. Stepping inside, the secretary looks at her. "You look like you just saw a ghost."

Y/n exhales heavily. "Try a wolf."


"Let me get this straight," the chief says, "you were driving and a wolf jumps out at you. He's got brown fur and he's the size of a bear?"

Y/n nods. 

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a bear."

She groans. "Wasn't there some reports a decade back about wolf attacks?"

"Nobody was sure what it was. Some chick claimed it was a wolf, then she disappeared with her husband and her family. She was crazy. Her dad was the old chief, but he just passed away," the chief.

"I'm telling you, sir, I know what I saw," Y/n pleads. 

The chief looks her up and down, focusing on her face and red, sleep deprived eyes. "I need to know if you've been taking anything or drinking."

Y/n places her head in her hands. "I will take any test you need me to, but I can promise you I am not high or drunk."

"Alright kid, well I think you should go back home and get some rest."

She stands up and grabs her bag. "Thank you for this massive waste of time." She marches out of the building and climbs into her car.

Pulling out, she heads to her 2nd favorite spot: La Push beach. "Cops are so useless. They don't believe anything that is reported and falsely accuse people. They focus on the cases that don't need attention and neglect the well being of our community. If it was a community helper or animal control, that would have been more successful." lil bit of ACAB action

She arrives at the parking lot and wraps herself in the cardigan. "I'm glad I brought this," she mutters to herself.

Walking through the cold, wet sand to the harsh waves, she sits down, not caring about the trickling cold seeping through the seat of her jeans. She closes her eyes and inhales the salty scent of the sea. thats a tonguetwister

Feeling eyes on her, she turns her head towards the forest that lines the coast. She makes out a man, he must be in his late 20s to early 30s.

He has light brown skin and dark chocolate hair. He makes his way down the beach. "Hi," he says in a deep voice.

"Hi?" Y/n says apprehensively.

"I'm Jacob," he says, holding out a hand. "I live on the Reservation."

"Oh. I'm Y/n," she greets, shaking his hand, which is rough with calluses. 

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" He asks.

"Just clearing my mind."

"La Push has always been a good place to do that. On a nicer day, this makes for a good hangout spot," Jacob replies.

"Have you lived here for long?"

"Born and raised. I graduated from a good decade or so ago."

"I see." Y/n's mind wanders back to the wolf. Where she was was near the Reservation. "Hey, have you seen any animals lately?" She asks

Jacob stiffens. "Like?"

"Wolves, or bears, or something."

His eyes widen. "Why would you be worrying about that?"

"Because I'm positive I almost hit a wolf today," Y/n says nonchalantly.

"That's crazy."

"Yeah, so I've heard. You must have been alive when those reports on wolves came in; was it true?"

"It's unlikely. We live in Forks, it was just a bear."

Y/n sighs and looks out over the misty horizon. "Yeah. A bear."

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