Chapter 26

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 4, 2020. Last night was horrible, today will be horrible, the rest of the week and likely next week will also be horrible. But on a brighter note, I'm debating just changing my theme to Christmas...should I? I'm listening to Christmas music, but Thanksgiving hasn't even happened-

The Cullens dart into the forest at their super-speed. Y/n hesitates. Jasper comes back. "It's ok. It's weird, but it's ok."

She takes a deep breath and takes off running. She squeezes her eyes shut as scenery whirls by, but the familiar freeing feeling settles in her stomach and her eyes open. She beams and runs faster. 

Skidding to a stop beside Alice, Y/n looks around. "That is really cool," she breathes happily.

"It's pretty amazing," Alice agrees, 

Y/n breathes in deeply and tenses up. Alice places her hand on her shoulder firmly. "No. You are not going to eat a human."

She groans and relaxes. Alice pricks up and sniffs around. "Here, follow me."

They creep through the trees and spot a large deer. Alice grins at Y/n. "There you go. Breakfast."

Y/n licks her lips and rushes out of the brush, pinning the deer down and piercing it with her new teeth. The second it's blood makes contact with her lips, she moans in pleasure. After sucking it completely dry, she sighs happily.

Looking back, she sees Jasper and Alice standing awkwardly next to each other. Jas smirks at Y/n. "You look horrifying, darlin'," he snickers.


"There is blood all over your face, you are in a very risque outfit, and your eyes are a mix of gold and red."


Y/n pushes the doors open boldly. They slam against the wall and all the vampire's heads snap towards her.

"Y/n," Jane begins, walking over. Y/n sneers at her and pushes her out of her way. Her eyes gleam a combination of gold and red, and they hold hate and spite in them. 

The other vampires back away. The Cullens walk behind her, trying as hard as they can to conceal their proud smiles. 

Y/n kicks down the door to the throne room. Literally. Her newborn strength knocks the door down. The Kings heads snap towards her. Aro smirks at her.

"Ah, Y/n. Wonderful to see you looking so," his eyes rake her body and her new outfit. "Becominging."

A tingling sensation fills Y/n's eyes and she closes them rapidly. When she opens them again, the King's eyes widen in fear. "What-?" Caius stutters.

"You should be scared! I haven't even turned 18, and you KILLED ME! I didn't get to graduate before A HORNY, MURDEROUS VAMPIRE KILLED ME AND TURNED ME INTO A VAMPIRE!" Y/n screams, throwing her hands out on instinct

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"You should be scared! I haven't even turned 18, and you KILLED ME! I didn't get to graduate before A HORNY, MURDEROUS VAMPIRE KILLED ME AND TURNED ME INTO A VAMPIRE!" Y/n screams, throwing her hands out on instinct.

Aro goes flying from his throne to the wall behind him. Everyone's jaw drops and Y/n's stares at her hands, which are glowing with a purple fog/mist.

Aro gets up, groaning. He looks at Y/n and fear. Raising her eyebrows, Y/n flicks her hand to the left, and he flies against the left wall. She grins and walks up to him. Marcus moves away, but Caius moves towards Y/n,

She whips around and throws him against the wall with a single glare. The Cullens stagger backwards.

Y/n leans down to Aro, who is trembling in fear, but still smiles. "You took away my life. I was young. So now I'm going to take away yours, which has gone on for a few centuries too long."

She turns on her heel and walks out of the throne room. She tilts her head and smiles to herself as she hears a satisfying tear and a scream of pain.


The second she steps out of view, she bolts into the forest. Collapsing against a tree, Y/n begins sobbing hard. A burning sensation tingles against her cheek as more tears fall. Taking a hand up to touch her wet face, she draws her hand back to see a creamy fluid. 

"My tears are venom now!" This makes her cry even harder. "I-I have telekinesis?! Is that even a thing?! And my eyes, they burned. When I opened my eyes again, everyone was scared, like something happened."

She hits her head against the tree so hard, it falls. "My own family is scared of me," she whimpers.

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