Chapter 19

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 26, 2020. I watched Labryinth with David Bowie for the first time on Saturday and I'm in love with Jareth now. No cap. If you like Marvel, Star Wars, or Stranger Things, be sure to check out my other works. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

Y/n continues eating the delicious food that the Cullens cooked up. So far, the dinner has been going very well. Her parents are definitely getting along well with Carlisle and Esme. 

Rosalie clears the dishes and brings out a plate of tiramasu. M/n eyes widen. "You guys shouldnt have!"

"Nonsense! We are very fond of Y/n, and wish to make a good impression on her family," Carlisle says warmly.

The tiramasu is divided and served, although the vampires don't actually eat anything, but break it down so it appears eaten and mimic chewing. Y/n's parents are none the wiser.

"Actually," Esme begins, clearing her throat. "We wanted to ask you guys something. We've found this evening very enjoyable and our family is taking a small vacation to Italy at the end of the month during the 3 day weekend. We were curious if you would allow your daughter to accompany us?"

M/n and F/n sit in a stunned silence. "I-Wow. That is a grand gesture," F/n says. "We like you a lot, too, but we're not sure if we're comfortable with that. It's not that we don't trust you, we do, very much actually. No, it's that she would be so far away from us."

"Dad, it would only be 3 days, and I can assure you, they are more than capable of protecting me. But nothing bad will happen. I promise," Y/n reassures.

"I...suppose you can go. We have a few conditions, but I'm not opposed to it," M/n says slowly.

Y/n breaks out into a beam and tries her hardest to contain her excitement. "First, you and Jasper are not to sleep in the same room. I'm not sure what the housing accomadations are, but there will be no fornication," M/n says, looking deeply into their eyes.

Y/n stifles a snicker. "Second, you must keep your grades up, although that shouldn't be difficult for you. Third, you do whatever chores we ask of you. And fourthly, you must call us everyday to check in."

Y/n nods. "That is perfect. Wonderful. Yes, I can do that. Thank you all so much!" Y/n squeals and throws her arms around her parents shoulder. They begin laughing slightly. 

Next, Y/n runs to Jasper's arms. "This is going to be so fun!" He chuckles and kisses the top of her head.


Y/n pulls up to school the next Monday, still giddy from her parents allowing her to go with Jasper. She climbs out of her car and runs up to her friends, sqealing. They squeal too, although their faces are contorted in confusion. 

"Why are we squealing?!" Verity squeals. 

Y/n takes a deep breath, still beaming. "I, Y/n L/n, am travelling to Volterra, Italy, at the end of the month, with the Cullen Family!"

Chris gasps and slaps himself. "I'm not dreaming! AH!"

Even Mac is impressed. Verity runs around in circles. "I'M NOT EVEN GOING AND I'M SO HAPPY! It hasn't been that long of a relationship, though."

"It's been three weeks. And we've known each other longer," Y/n shrugs. She happily thinks about when she first met him and genuinely believed she was dreaming. 

"So, where is Volterra, Italy?" Mac asks.

"It's this huge castle-village that is hundreds of years old. It's known for the accused vampires that lived there," Y/n laughs.

"That would be so cool! I want to meet a vampire," Verity sighs.

Y/n stifles laughter. "Yeah, me too. I bet they would be gorgeous."

"Super sexy," Chris agrees.

"Are you it?" Mac asks. 

Y/n pulls a disgusted face. "MAC! NO!"

Mac shrugs. "I don't know, you might have."

She rolls her eyes and stifles laughter. The Cullen's Jeep pulls up. Jasper hops out. Y/n spots a royal-looking letter in his hand. "Give me a second," she says to her friends, already walking off.

"Is that what I think it is," she asks, motioning to the letter. He nods and hands it to her.

In beautiful calligraphy, Y/n's name is spelled out. Flipping the envelope over, the official crest of the Volturi is stamped in wax on the back. 

Looking at Jasper hastily, she tears it open and unfolds the letter.

Dearest Y/n,

It was wonderful to see your letter. My brothers and I await your arrival. We will house you, of course. I will send Felix and Demetri to pick you up from the airport. Your tickets are already paid for and in the envelope. I shall wait patiently for your arrival.

Powerfully, Lord Aro Volturi

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