Chapter 28

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 9, 2020. I watched CMBYN for the first time the night before last, and I'm Visions of Gideoning. Two days later. That movie was absolutely amazing. The messages they were conveying were so deep, I'm still trying to process and comprehend Elio and Oliver's relationship. It was absolutely beautiful. Highly recommend. However, there is a lot of butt, boob, and a very...sweet...peach scene.

Y/n and Jasper lay in a sweet embrace, not sleeping obviously, but being at quiet peace. Suddenly, Y/n gasps and pulls away. "What?!" Jasper exclaims.

"I'm not on the pill! And we didn't use any kind of protection!" Y/n yells, running her fingers through her hair frantically. Jasper sighs, realizing one of the biggest things that he didn't tell her before.

"Y/n," he says softly. "There's something I need to tell you." She looks at him. 

"Ok..." She follows him to the bed and sits down beside him. "Now that you are a vampire, you... you can't have children. Unless, somehow, you have an Immortal child. But you're not going to get pregnant. Ever."

Y/n's eyes widen and she clasps a hand over her mouth. "W-what? I can't have kids...ever?!" She stands up in anger. "Why didn't you tell me this?! It changes everything!"

Jasper looks down in shame. "I...I forgot. I didn't think about it."

"Jasper, I lost my ability to continue aging and now I can't have kids?! Are you fricking kidding me?!" Y/n pulls on a new outfit angrily.

"Jasper, I lost my ability to continue aging and now I can't have kids?! Are you fricking kidding me?!" Y/n pulls on a new outfit angrily

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"Where are you going?" He asks meekly.

"I don't know. Somewhere away from you." She storms out, and Jasper places his head in his hands, knowing he just messed up. 

Y/n runs out of the hotel. The sun has just started to peek up over the hills surrounding Volterra. Tears of venom fill her eyes, and she qickly wipes them away. Thoughts run wild through her head.

Why didn't he tell me?

Did he actually forget?

Do I even want kids?

I'm technically still a teenager; it's not like I'd be having kids anytime soon.

Somehow, Y/n finds herself in the forest again. She groans, and sits down against a tree trunk. Twigs snap a little ways from her. Her head snaps over to the sound and she gets up, assuming a fighting position.

It could be the Volturi coming after her.

It could be Jasper.

It could be an animal.

What Y/n was not expecting was Alice to appear. "Y/n?" She asks in her quiet voice.


"What are you doing out here? I heard yelling from your and Jas's room and heard you run out. What happened, sweetie?"

Y/n sighs and sits down again. "Nothing."

Alice approaches her and sits down beside her. "I don't believe that for a second. Tell me. It's okay."

Y/n takes a deep breath. "Jasper and I..." she avoids Alice's golden eyes. "Had sex. And I realized I wasn't on the pill, and he didn't use a condom, and I freaked out about getting pregnant. Then he told me that I can't get pregnant now because I'm a vampire."

Alice sucks in her teeth, nodding. "I can't believe he didn't tell you."

"He said he forgot."

"Jasper is a lot of things, but he isn't a liar. 98% of the time, he's telling the truth. He probably did forget. Caught up in the moment." She slips her hand into Y/n's. "I'm so sorry, sweetie. We probably should have told you when we told you about vampires."

"I thought that because Bella has a kid-"

"Oh, sweetie. Bella was pregnant when she was still human! I can't believe we left that detail out," Alice says sadly.

Y/n places her head in her hands and weeps. "I really wanted to be a mom one day. With Jasper."

Alice says nothing, but wraps her arms around Y/n and hugs her tightly, rubbing her back. Y/n cries into her sister's shoulder, relishing the comfort.

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