Chapter 16

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 22, 2020. My sister came home to visit us from college today and it has been going really well. She leaves Monday, so we have a bunch of time with her. If you like Marvel, Star Wars, or Stranger Things, be sure to check out my other works. I love you with all my person. Enjoy!

"If Y/n is to be with Jasper, she will need to become a vampire or we will terminate her," Jane repeats for the group.

Y/n hyperventilates. "Do I need to make the decision now?"

"No. I advise you to come to Volterra to negotiate with the Kings."

"Yeah, like I can just pack up and go to Volterra right when school starts," Y/n says sarcastically.

"They will need to meet you before you turn."


"To assess you."

Y/n steps forward. "Listen up, blondie, last time I checked, we were our own clan. The Volturi are their own clan. What we do does not concern you or threaten you."

Jane steps forward as well. "Do not test us. We are the most powerful group of vampires. And we can't trust you. You are human. You will simply use us then tell people and kill us all."

Y/n gasps and strikes Jane across the face. "You-!"

Emmett and Jasper smirk and fist bump. "How dare you accuse me of such things? I love this family and will protect them with my life! And when I decide to turn, believe me, you will be the first to know," Y/n threatens with a low voice. "I don't know when we can visit your kings, but if we can, we will. And believe me, I will be more than glad to give them a piece of my mind."

Jane steps back, a sign of surrender. "Very well. I will inform them of this." She goes to exit, then looks back at Y/n. Turning around, she speeds out of the house and into the night.

"That was amazing!" Emmett says, picking Y/n up. 

"I'm very proud of you, darling. She could have killed you," Jasper says. "She has the power to make anyone feel immense pain with just one look."

Y/n looks out to where Jane disappeared in the trees. "I have a feeling we shouldn't test the Volturi. But how will we get there? It's Italy, for Christ's sake!"

"I believe that at the end of the month there is a 3 day weekend. You can tell your parents that you are having a sleepover with your friends," Jasper suggests.

Y/n smiles slyly at him and slinks over, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Or... our families can meet so that they will trust me and your family enough for us to go away together...?"

Jasper's eyes widen. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea."

"They already know we're dating. They obviously don't know your vampires, but they know that you all exist. Please?" She pouts at him.

"Fine," he relents.

"Yes! We can do it in a week or two, I'll arrange it with them."

Jasper smiles at her. "It's late, darling, let's get you home."


Y/n pulls up to the school the next morning and spots her friends. "I have so much to tell you."

Everyone grins at her. "I have a boyfriend!" Y/n says in a sing-song voice.

Verity gasps, Mac grips his car in feign horror, and Chris slaps a hand over his mouth. "Lord have mercy!" Chris cries out.

"Chill. I went out with Jasper last night to the movies, and we kissed. Then we went to La Push and cuddled...and kissed. And finally, he took me to that fancy Italian restaurant. And we kissed." Y/n blushes.

Everyone begins cheering loudly. "Yes!" Mac fist bumps the air. "Yes!"

"His family has collectively adopted me, especially Emmett and Rosalie."

"Who are dating, I've found. It's kinda weird, don't you think? They're siblings, but they are dating?" Verity asks.

"It is a siblinghood, but only everyone grouped together. It's like sub-groups, you know? It's complicated, but it's not incest, I swear," Y/n explains, laughing.

"They're really pale, don't you think?" Mac chimes in. 

"It's fricking Forks, Mac."

"Ok, fair point."


Y/n slides into her seat beside Jasper. She smiles at him and pecks him on the lips. A few students in class stare at them. She rolls her eyes and pulls out her binder and books.

"I think you should write a letter to Aro," Jasper whispers.


"We were going to write a letter to the Volturi explaining our plan, but we think it would be more genuine if you wrote it. Here," Jasper pulls a piece of paper with a crest on it out of his backpack. "Write it on this."

Y/n takes it. "Is this the Cullen family crest?" Jasper nods.

"I-ok." She gets out a pen and begins writing. 

Dear Lord Aro,

My name is Y/n L/n. I take it you've already heard of me, though. I am writing this because a vampire of yours, Jane, showed up at my house while I was in the bath to warn me that because of my relations to the Cullen family, I have to pick eternal life or death. 

I'd very much like to finish high school, as I only have a few months left of it. I have made no decisions or even thought about it. I only just began dating Jasper yesterday. While that doesn't take away from my feelings for him, it also doesn't mean that I'm ready to commit the rest of eternity to him.

The plan we have come up with is at the end of the month my school gets a three day weekend. The Cullens and I will come to Italy and discuss plans with you. I can meet you and your fellow Kings and we can figure out an arrangement that pleases both of us.

Kindly, Y/n L/n

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