Chapter 23

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 2, 2020! Merry Christmas, or whatever you celebrate. I'm back from my hiatus and excited to update. I gave all my reasoning in the paragraphs I wrote, so I won't reiterate it. I just recorded a massive dance party to Magic Dance by David Bowie, and it was glorious.

Y/n apprehensively steps out of the vehicle and takes in the large castle. "W-wow," she mutters. Jasper's cold hand loops around her waist. 

"Don't be fooled by it's beauty," he warns.

The doors to the castle open to reveal the blonde vampire, Jane, along with some new faces.

"Cullens," she greets in her monotone. "As you know, I am Jane, and this is my brother Alec." She motions to a boy with brown hair that resembles her. "This is Felix and Demetri." She motions to the two taller men beside her. "We will take you to the Kings now."

Y/n nods, grabbing her suitcase and following the group inside the large, grand halls. They walk quickly through the halls, but she spins around and takes in the old architecture. 

Two large doors come into view. Felix and Demetri open them to reveal three men sitting on their thrones expectantly, all dressed in suave black tuxes.

The man on the left is very tall, with long brown hair. The man on the right has blonde hair, and looks bored, but perks up at the sight of Y/n. The man in the center has raven hair, and is perched on the edge, gazing across the group. Aro, she thinks. All of their eyes land on Y/n, who shifts her weight on her feet uncomfortably.

 All of their eyes land on Y/n, who shifts her weight on her feet uncomfortably

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"Y/n L/n," Aro breathes. Jasper's grip tightens around her waist. He sees this and smirks. His red eyes lock on the necklace around her collarbones. "Or should I say Cullen?"

"Not yet," Y/n says.

Aro hums in response and stands up, slowly desending the steps. The family tenses. "I'm glad to see you made it safely. I trust the trip wasn't bad?" He asks.

"It was fine, Aro," Bella speaks up. His eyes lock with hers.

"Ah. Bella. How wonderful to see you again." His eyes flicker down to Renesmee. "And dear Renesmee. How you've grown." Aro's hand reaches out to her. Y/n steps in front of her and sneers at him.

"Ok, creep. That's close enough."

"Hm." He climbs the stairs back to his throne. Y/n eyes the other Kings. "These are my brothers, Marcus and Caius."

"Lady Y/n," Marcus says, bowing his head respectfully. 

Caius's eyes rake Y/n's form up and down. She snaps her fingers at him. "Sir? Caius? My eyes are up here." He glares at her and sits back in his throne.

Bella claps a hand over her mouth and snickers. "So, why are we here? We came to make arrangements, so let's make arrangements," Y/n says curtly.

"No, no, no. Not today, my dear. We can discuss all of that tomorrow. Tonight, we celebrate. I am throwing a ball in honor of you and your newborn turning approaching rapidly," Aro says.

"We don't have any clothes for that."

"In your respective rooms, you will find clothes for you," Caius speaks. 

"Go on. Unpack and take a look at your outfits. The party is begins at 7:30 and will likely last all night," Aro says, waving them off.

Y/n eyes them before turning and walking out. Jane joins them. "Follow me." She leads them up a large set of stairs and into a hallway with a number of doors. She sorts the family into their rooms.

"Jasper and Y/n, you are in here," she points to the last door. Y/n looks at Jasper, than at Carlisle and Esme. 

Esme smirks at them. "I won't tell your parents." They both disappear into the bedroom. 

Y/n laughs and steps into the guest room. She gasps at the beautiful, dark Victorian bedroom. There are beautiful drapes everywhere, a large four-poster bed in the center, with a lavish fouton at the foot of it.

There is chests and a furnace against the wall, and a large mirror. Beside the mirror is the entrance to a grand bathroom, with gold and silver appliences, and a large tub.

 Beside the mirror is the entrance to a grand bathroom, with gold and silver appliences, and a large tub

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"Holy crap," Y/n breathes, sitting down on the bed. She immediately sinks down in comfort. "Holy crap!"

Jasper laughs softly at her amazement. She gets up and runs over to the chest. Opening it, she gasps again. "It's so beautiful." She pulls out a large green ball gown and glances at her watch. "The flight was long, so it's 6:02. I need to eat and get ready!" Y/n squeals, rushing into the bathroom.

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