Chapter 24

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is November 2, 2020. *begins singing* poops gonna hit the ceiling fan haha yeah

Y/n sinks into the hot water and sighs happily. She tucks a towel behind her head and ties her hair up. Resting her head against the towel, she basks in the warm water and feeling of being rich. 

A sharp knock at the door brings her out of her luxuries. "Come in," she calls out. Jasper walks in, eyes squeezed shut.

"I brought you food."

"Aw, yes! I love you so much!" Y/n says, before paling, realizing what she just said. Jasper nearly drops the food and his eyes snap open.

"Um...what?" He asks.

"It's too early, I'm sorry," Y/n rapidly apologizes. He sets the food down and kneels beside her.

"I love you too, Darling." She beams at him and kisses him firmly.

His hands fly to her face and he kisses back passionately. They break and smirk at each other. Jasper's golden eyes flick down her body. 

Y/n flicks him with water. "Hey!"

He laughs and hands her food. "Surprisingly, they had chicken tenders for you."

Y/n squeals and grabs it, dipping it in the sauce of her choice. "Oh!" She cries out. "I'm eating chicken tenders in a bathtub in an old castle in Italy! This is the best day of my life!"

Jasper sits down beside the tub and the talk while she eats. 


Y/n puts her hair up in the towel and pulls out the dress. Unbuttoning it, she slips in and pulls it up. Holding it against her, she calls out for Jasper.

"Jasper!" She calls out. "Can you help me?" 

He steps out in his suit, adjusting his cufflinks. "Oh, wow," she mutters. "You look hot."

He laughs and looks at her dress. "That looks stunning. Let me button you up."Jasper walks behind her and his fingers ghost over her exposed back. Goosebumps run up her back and she shudders. His fingers gently work the buttons. 

She turns around and looks up into his eyes. Slamming her lips against his, her hands trail down his fancily dressed body. He staggers back in surprise, but kisses back eagerly. They move to the bed and Jasper falls back on it. Y/n crawls on top of him and continues kissing him.

He shifts so that he is leaning over her her and trails kisses down her jaw to her neck.

A rapid knocking on the door interupts them. "Cut it out! We can all hear you, you know!" Bella calls out.

Y/n laughs. "Like we can't hear you and Edward!"

"Come on! The party is starting soon."

Y/n rolls away from Jasper. "She's right. But that was fun."

She disappears into the bathroom to apply makeup and finish her hair.


Y/n steps out of the bathroom, heels clicking against the tile. "How do I look?" She gives a little spin, and her curled hair and dress flies out around her.

 "How do I look?" She gives a little spin, and her curled hair and dress flies out around her

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Jasper sucks in his teeth. "Like a goddess." He walks over and kisses her forehead. He holds out his arm. "Shall we?"

"We shall." They walk into the hall and find the rest of the Cullen's dressed just as beautifully.

Everyone gasps at the sight of Y/n. "You look beautiful!" Renesmee exclaims.

"Thank you." Together, the couples descend the stairs and head to the throne room. Opening the doors, all the vampires snap to look at Y/n.

She ignores their stares and takes in the room. The thrones are still in the same place, but tables are now lining the sides. To one side, the table only has blood bags. On the other, a feast of food has been set out. 

Y/n leans over to Renesmee. "There's enough blood for the vampires, you are helping me eat this food."

She giggles and nods in response. 

Y/n looks up and locks eyes with Aro. She smiles politely at him and looks away. Music begins to fill the room.

Y/n laughs and grabs Jasper. His arm snakes around her waist and he takes her hand. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he whisks her around the room. Other couples begin joining them, but Y/n is at the center of attention. 

The way her feet gracefully move through the waltz and her dress spins out around her, Jasper and Y/n make for an elegant couple.

And so they dance the night away, Y/n taking breaks to eat a little or sip on the expensive chamagne, which she would immediately try to spit back out inconspicuously. "That's nasty," she groans.

After yet another fun dance, she steps out of the hall to take a breath of fresh air. Heading out into the gardens, a full moon shines down on her, illuminating the beautiful vines and flowers.

She makes her way through the garden, occasionaly stopping and smelling the flowers.

Y/n tenses as a whoosh is heard. She whips around. Aro is standing behind her. "Y/n," he greets.

"Aro," she replies, remaining tense. 

"I see you are admiring our garden?"

"It's beautiful. The moonlight compliments it."

His red eyes flash with malicious intent. "The moonlight compliments you."

Y/n eyes him wearily. "Why are you out here?" She demands.

"Just staking my claim," he says airly, stepping forward. In a flash, his hand locks around her throat and tears off her necklace. 

She cries out as he throws her into his chest. "You will make for a beautiful vampire," he whispers in her ear.

With that, he tilts her neck back and sinks his teeth into her jugular. Her pained scream rips through the air and he drops her to the ground, smiling evily.

She clutches her neck in pain and draws her hand back. Blood drips from her fingers. The last thing she sees before blacking out is the gleam of her blood hitting her broken necklace.

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