Chapter 8

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is October 13, 2020. Sorry I disappeared. I've just been tired and have been working on research and a science experiment on "shifting". It's gotten really popular and while I would like to try it, I want to dive into what is actually happening to the human brain. Alright, stuff is kicking off so let's just get into the chapter. I love you and enjoy!

Jasper steps backwards. "W-what?"

Y/n smirks. "Don't think I don't know. I was always suspicious of you."

Jasper gulps. "Last night just confirmed it. I wasn't actually asleep."

He opens his mouth to say something but she places a hand on his shoulder and stares into his golden eyes. "Please don't try to deny it. I'm not scared. I have a feeling your eyes are gold for a reason. Besides, wouldn't you have killed me already?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry I lied to you," he begins. "It's dangerous for you to know because of possible nomad vampires in the area. We've been away from Forks for so long; we don't know who lives here now. I just wanted to keep you safe."

Y/n wraps her arms around him and hugs him fiercly. "Thank you. I mean, I'm not thrilled you lied to me, but you had good reason." She looks at him. "Why me?"


"Why are you protecting me? Why are you visiting me?"

He looks around the room, struggling to find the words. "We were never planning on coming home. But Alice, my girl- um, sister. She had a vision with you in it."

Y/n scrunches her eyebrows. "Who is Alice? How did she have a vision?"

Jasper sighs. "Guess I need to explain this to you." He pats her bed, motioning for her to sit down."My full name is Jasper Whitlock-Cullen. I was a soldier in the Confederate army when a female vampire turned me. Carlisle, my adoptive father, found me and brought me into his family.

"I have 5 other adoptive siblings, along with a niece and parents. There is Edward and Bella, who are married with their daughter, Renesmee. Then there is Emmett and Rosalie. My parents are Carlisle and Esme. Then there is Alice, who was my girlfriend."

Y/n flinches. "What happened?"

"I'm getting there. Patience, darling," he laughs softly. "The Cullen clan is known for our powers, not only magical, but the power we have when we work together. I have the power to alter feelings and moods. Edward can read minds. Bella is a shield, which means she can protect people from harm. Alice can see into the future. That's how she had a vision about you."

Y/n jaw drops. "Holy shit," she breathes.

"I thought that Alice was my mate. Then she had the vision about you. She realized that she wasn't mine."

Y/n looks at Jasper. "Are you saying... I am?"

He nods. "Obviously I don't want you to feel obligated to have romantic feelings toward me."

Y/n shakes her head. "I really want to get to know you. And not because you're a vampire. Because you care for me. And I care for you. Let's just see where it goes from there."

Jasper nods. "I'm comfortable with whatever you are."

She looks at him with big eyes. "Can I... Can I meet them?"

"Um. I mean, you can. When?"




"But you have school tomorrow."


He groans and turns around. "Fine. Hop on."

Y/n sqeals jumps onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and anchoring her legs around his sturdy waist. "Wait, you're like, ripped."

He snickers and jumps out the window. She stifles a scream and buries her face in his neck as he runs into the woods. Her hair wildly whips around her, but she becomes more comfortable and looks around.

Soon, the ground starts to climb up. After about 5 more minutes, the famous mansion comes into view. Jasper gently places her on the ground. Y/n's legs shake and give out from under her. He catches her before she hits the ground.

Y/n blushes furiously. "Thank you."

Together, they walk up the steps and into the large home. "My God."

"Carlisle!" Jasper calls. Suddenly, a figure rushes towards Y/n and picks her up. She screams. 

"New sister!" The voice yells. Y/n is placed down and stares at a burly man. "I'm Emmett!"

"Y-Y/n," she says. 

"Sorry if I scared you. I'm just happy you're here."

A tall, stylish blonde woman walks out and leans against the doorway. "We need to stop adopting humans. It's not good for us."

"Ok, for the record, I am a wonderful human being. Thanks, though." Y/n turns to Jasper. "She's a biatch!"

The blonde keels over with laughter. "Never mind, I like her! I'm Rosalie."

Y/n laughs nervously. A blonde man and brunette woman approach Y/n hand in hand. "You must be the girl Alice had a vision about. It's wonderful to meet you," the brunette greets. "I'm Esme, and this is Carlisle."

A girl with a short brown bob descends the stairs. "Hi," she says softly.

Y/n looks up at her. "Hi, Alice. It's great to meet you."

Alice smiles at her. "I like you. You're kind."

A man with light brown, almost ginger hair and a woman with long brown hair appear. "Is this her, Jasper?" The woman asks.

He nods. "I'm Bella."


"Your daughter is Renesmee, right?" Y/n asks.

They nod. "She's out with Jacob right now."

"Jacob Black??"

They nod again. "Why is she with Jacob?"

Jasper looks at her. "There is still more to tell you."

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